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The Issue of Freedom and Security

Essay Instructions:


At this point you should have selected one of the social issues presented in weeks 2-4 (language and power; freedom and security; health and wealth) as the focus of your Case Study Project. For this assignment, you will begin to gather evidence from the course readings related to your chosen social issue. You will use this textual evidence to support your claims in your Case Study Project.

With your quote log submission, you will include responses to four reflection questions. They are not part of your quote log and are to be answered separately in the "comments" box of the assignment folder.


Review the course readings related to your selected social issue, select 4-6 key quotes from the reading selections, and complete the following for each:

Give the bibliographic information for the reading selection source in APA format. This can be copied and pasted from the class week where the reading is introduced.

Give the exact quote and page number (or paragraph number, if the source has no page numbers)

Paraphrase the quote and provide an in-text citation.

Explain why you selected the quote and how the quote relates to your selected social issue and your perspective on the issue


Indicate your topic, thesis, and reasons

Give 4-6 quote log “entries” where you provide the required information (see above under content)

Review the sample quote log below.

Language Choices

As a writer, you are free to decide how you use language, keeping the following in mind:

style: your language choices should result in a consistent writing style that is purposeful and aligned with your goals

readability: your language choices should ensure that your ideas are clear and easy to follow

When composing your paper, think about the conventions for academic writing, including:

punctuation: this includes things such as recommended use of commas, colons, and apostrophes.

word-level accuracy: this includes things such as capitalization, spelling, word-tense, and usage.

sentence-level accuracy: this includes things such as sentence boundaries, subject-verb agreement, and pronoun-antecedent agreement.

Take time to review your language choices after you’ve written your essay. Think about your goals for the style of this essay and your own writing habits (like using “text-speak,” omitting capitalization, or writing sentence fragments). Revise as necessary to accomplish your style and readability goals.

Reading your paper aloud is helpful technique when reviewing your language choices for style and readability.

Sources and Documentation

You are required to use three sources for this assignment. Your sources should be selected from the assigned course readings on your selected issue (language and power; freedom and security; health and wealth).

For each source, you should include APA-style reference citations and in-text citations

Format and Length

Your quote log should include a header consisting of your name and the assignment name and a title that reflects your chosen social issue. (See example below.)

Your quote log should be typed, double-spaced and in 12-point font.

Your final product should include log entries for 4-6 quotes. Each entry should be about 150 words in length, for a total of 600-900 words.

Reflection Questions

The reflection questions are to be answered separately. (They are not part of the quote log.) You can number your answers or write the in paragraph form. Be sure to address all four questions.

Aside from simply meeting the requirements, what were your personal goals for this assignment?

1)When reviewing your language choices, what choices did you make to approach your goals for staying 2)within or moving beyond conventions for academic writing?

3)What parts of your work on this assignment are you most proud of?

4)What challenged you in this assignment and/or where do you need additional support from your instructor?

Please answer reflection questions on the last page. Thank you.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Freedom and Security Case Study
Student’s Name
Institutional affiliation
Course Number
Professor’s Name
Freedom and Security Case Study
The issue of freedom and security is in everyday lives and plays out in a variety of contexts. The readings for the week focus on the ongoing strains between freedom and security that afflict the larger society. Freedom is at the heart of United States core values. However, during terrorism time, some people question the value of freedom regarding the outlay of security. Others maintain that they do not have to choose between freedom and security under any circumstance. The readings for this week discuss the balance between freedom and security in the face of terrorism.
To start with, Kristof, N. D. (2002 September 10 paragraph 1), on security and freedom, states, “when we look back at how our country has handled the last year, we have much to be hugely proud of and perhaps one thing to be just a bit embarrassed about." Kristof (2002 September 10 paragraph 4) states that Mr. Bush honors a hallowed American tradition of jacking up during a security crisis contrary to the statement that president bush betrays American tradition by turning to extrajudicial detentions. The above quote is selected since it reflects the state of security in the United States and reinforces freedom and security. Also, it echoes the claims by the United States people who had previously stated that president Bush betrays the American tradition. In this quote, Kristof argues that Mr. Bush has been more restrained than Franklin Roosevelt, who interned Japanese-Americans; Woodrow Wilson, who presided palm raids; and Abraham Lincoln, who suspended habeas corpus. In my perspective, many Americans want control over their personal information and free themselves from being observed while undertaking their activities. 
Haynes, D.D. (2015, May 14) Liberty versus security; an old debate renewed in the age of terror. Milwaukee journal Wisconsin journal sentinel argues that the bill has split Republicans into two camps, libertarians who favor curtailing or ending programs and security hawks who want to keep it. In this case, the two Kentucky senators are considered as well. McConnell, in paragraph 5, states that section 215 helps in finding a needle in the haystack. He further argues that under the United States of America's freedom act, it may not be possible to be a haystack to look through at all. The quote is quite capturing as it illustrates how section 215 is handled. It also focuses on the threats that have gathered against one of the most cherished liberty safeguards in the government: the right of minors in politics to choose. Many Americans on the issue of liberty and security seem to undermine the political minority and their views. The American government should focus on the issue and give the political minority space to exercise the right. The political minority‘s decisions should be considered since the constitution is filled with statements that have guaranteed people’s liberty. Also, the political minorities have the right to freely express themselves and develop their religious, ethnic, and linguistic identities.
Stanley, J. (2018 July 2017). A pro-liberty case for gun restrictions. ACLU. (The natio...
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