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Should civil servants ultimately take directions from elected ministers or from the citizens who use government services?

Essay Instructions:
This is worth 45% of my mark so I need this to be well done. The question I must answer for my political science public administration class is the following question. Should public servants ultimately take direction from elected ministers or from the citizens who use government services? The instructions are as follows: Your paper must follow standard essay format, including an introduction, body and conclusion. Make sure you have an argument or thesis statement and clearly state this in your introduction and conclusion. For more information on essay structure and writing, consult this site: http://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/724/1. You need to find substantial evidence to support your claims. There is no formula to determine the number of references required in a research paper and part of the essay writing process involves making this determination and ensuring that your assertions are properly supported. Please use only academic sources and articles. Please make sure to use one book as a source.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Should civil servants ultimately take directions from elected ministers or from the citizens who use government services?
For there to be a good flow of services provided by the civil servants, it is essential to note that non-partisanship is a vital value of the public service. Non-partisanship has been a foundation for the roles and responsibilities of public servants. For these reasons, there has been an increasing scrutiny and pressure on both the public service and individual public servants have raised hesitations on the suitable interaction between public servants and elected officials. Though there has been an attempt to define the boundaries and parameters that governs the values and ethics of public servants, the question on whether public servants should ultimately take direction from elected ministers or from the citizens who use government services remains complex (Rose, 1986).
A simple definition of these can be said that a civil servant is the executor of the will of the state, which only serves the people and owes allegiance to the constitution and devotion to the Fatherland and democracy. When it comes to the role played by the civil society, one can describe its role of the civil service as a role to serve the civil society so that commonplace men and women can benefit from the benefits of living in a structured situation.
Tough there is the rising issue on whether civil servant should take directions from elected ministers or from citizens need for dialogue on value the ethics at all levels of public service is one of the fundamental issue that need to be addressed. In the Public Service Employment Act of 2003, there was the need to emphasize the values and merits as well non-partnership. The act has the purpose of recognizing the rights of the employees to engage in political activities, while upholding the principle of political objectivity in the public service (Muylle, 2003). This helped in balancing the two vital concerns which were clearly a subject that merits discussion.
The services provided by the civil servants may vary and some may even be privatized which at some points make the role of the civil service to budge from the provisions of public services to the regulation of the private sector for the chuck of public services.
The transfer to rules lifts the necessities for expertise in the country. These results in privatizing some sectors competition, where there energies competition using specialists and on the other hand, the civil service will regulate using the specialists.
In some cases, the civil service become unsuccessful to catch up with the use of specialists, where they end up aspiring for the mainly privatization contracts will be lopsided in favor of the public sector and the public in common will lose out as they will have to guarantee the commercial success of the basic services on a long term basis (Coenen, 2009). The main challenge is that sometimes there is a failure of the civil service to recruit and retain experts due to some reasons.
One of the issues is the civil service, where it`s structured based on the number of pre designated posts by which the prospect of all civil servants is distinct. There are only so many posts for a certain position which defines the salary. In this case, there is a concentrated competition for the few inadequate positions. These positions may be filled in not by people with the necessary skills but by people with the necessary office political skills to survive in a closed environment.
This needs will thereby mean that a civil servant will dump all else in order to serve and impress their supervisor and to protect their positions, where in most cases corruption end up being the mother of the power services to the public and freedom to the civil servants.
The fact that some people may prefer civil servants getting orders from the public, it becomes hectic and not applicable. For instance, every citizen will rise up the issue that the feel should be addressed and by doing these very few issues are able to be addressed since the demand will be hire than the supply. On the other hand, civil servant will do anything to try and impress their supervisors which at this point are the citizens. Every single citizen has a different way in which they wants to be treated, this will lead to corruption, lack of justice in a country, unequal distribution of educational and infrastructural resources. As a corollary, the organization structure will also be innermost looking to the internal politics rather than be outward looking and be anxious with the plight of the general public that the civil service is invented to serve.
The matters that civil servants have to deal with are multi diverse and can arise from all points of view. I some situations, uninitiated civil servant may be beleaguered by the tasks and therefore tend to sweep them under the carpet while the experienced civil servant may have learned customs of redirecting the issues so no action is required to be taken.
Decision giving to the civil servants continues to be debated in several countries but merits of ministers giving orders outweighs those of public giving. Some may argue that the only way such a system is going to adjust is when the people get completely fed up and boot out the government but the civil servants will continue to stay and elect new ministers to be giving direction to the civil servants.
The only way where organizations can reach solutions is by making sure that those who are put in position fits I by all means of qualifications and have a zero rate of corruption a disease that have affected even the civil servant body. Supervisors who are the ones giving orders to the public servants, entails critical thinker and quick imminent to resolve nicely. Civil service needs far sighted and wise people to define and frame policies that restrain the progress of the nation.
Not all of the citizens are such far sighted and wise to define policies. Therefore this makes the civil service department inefficient when the public is the one giving orders to the civil service.
The other challenge which makes it difficult to decide whether to side with the public or the ministers is that some ministers will give order to civil servants in order for them to satisfy their greed and not in order to give quality services to the government. Politically savvy civil servants will make sure that the far sighted and wise servants will work to define and frame policies but these politically savvy civil servants will take credit for the work and climb up.
Supervisor and those in charge of public places or the civil servants, competence is a vital aspect that they should pot lay. For instance, if an incompetent supervisor is in charge, it is unlikely that the Incompetent will hire a Competent to compete with him, unless he can somehow control the Competent. A person is useless because he is broad minded and has the aptitude to appreciate and absorb new ideas regardless of whether he agrees with the ideas or not. Competent is likely to be technically skilled and logical, and hopefully objective. A person is unskilled by virtue of his mindset which is blocked to all new ideas and has a strong bias against seemingly unfamiliar concepts, so that decisions are made based on personal opinions hence determines his/her qualification inn any given position of the civil serv...
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