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What is The Role of Old Man Warner in The Lottery

Essay Instructions:

English 112 Short Paper #3: Character Analysis Due Date: Wednesday, April 30th @ 5:30p “You may want to judge characters according to how easily you identify with them. Yet there is little reason for you to read works that merely reinforce your prejudices. Furthermore, you may overlook the potential richness of a story if you insist that its characters fit your usual standards of behavior.” (MLM 129) * * * For your third short paper, select a character from ANY of the works we have discussed in class thus far and write a character analysis of at least 600 words, focusing on the significance of this character, how they progress the story, and analyzing how their actions and behavior contribute to the literary work’s overall meaning/message. Make sure you are going beyond just summarizing this character’s actions in the work and primarily focus on the purpose for these actions. For example: why would Lorraine Hansberry have made Walter Lee so frustrated throughout “A Raisin in the Sun”? Why does Walter have such a strong need to open a liquor store? What are his motivations behind opening this liquor store, and how do Walter’s actions help shape the overall meaning/message of this play? This last question is the most important: how do these character’s actions help shape the overall meaning/message of the work? This is where your greatest analysis will come from: in focusing on one element of a work, we can trace how this element (whether it is a character, a word, a symbol, the setting, etc.) helps to get us to the message/meaning. You should do the following in your character analysis (some of these will be brief while others will take up the majority of the paper): 1. Identify this character (protagonist, antagonist, main character, minor character) 2. Briefly summarize this character’s actions throughout the work. Two to three sentences at the most. Do not get caught up in summary. This is just to give your reader an understanding for what the character does in the work. 3. Analyze this character’s behavior and actions, keeping in mind their motivations for these behaviors/actions. The word “motivation” is defined as “the act or process of giving someone a reason for doing something” (Merriam Webster). Why is the character feeling as they do? What is motivating them to act as they do? What has happened to them to make them act as they do? 4. Analyze how this character and their actions shape the literary work’s overall meaning/message. First, what IS the work’s overall message? How does this character help shape that? How do their actions teach or represent this message? You will want to quote lines from the work and use these lines to support your analysis and observations. For example, if you state that Walter is frustrated in “A Raisin in the Sun”, you should aim to “prove” that by quoting lines in the text that support this observation. Remember: it is not enough to just “tell” your readers what your character is like; you must “show” them with lines from the text. All quoted lines should be used as SUPPORT FOR YOUR OWN OBSERVATIONS. One thing to keep in mind though: quoting from a text is a balancing act. Make sure the bulk of your writing is your own, and make sure you are not just summarizing the literary work (aka repeating the general plot of the story/poem) but that you are interpreting the literary work (inserting your own opinion as to what it means). A good way to check this is to ask yourself: “can this portion of my essay be written by anyone who has read this literary work, or is this exclusive to my own viewpoint?” When using outside source material, make sure you are citing using the proper MLA standards and including a Works Cited page (even if the only work you are citing is the poem or story you are writing about). Please consult the Purdue OWL for help with citation: https://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/747/01/ The formatting for this paper is as follows: at least 600 words, double-spaced, with 12 point standard fonts (Times New Roman, Garamond, Arial, etc.), and standard 1 inch margins on all sides. Your name should be on every page. Remember to use spell check and grammar check before turning anything in. Reading aloud yourself, or having a friend (or writing tutor!) read your paper aloud is a fantastic way to catch small errors and edit for clarity. You MAY use one of the works you have already written about in short papers 1 or 2, but make sure you are writing something new and just repeating one of your previous papers. **If you go to the PIER Tutoring Center and have your paper looked at by a writing tutor, make sure you get a “Proof of Visit” form signed by the tutor you work with and attach it with your final copy. Do this and I will add 5 extra credit points towards your total grade for the assignment.** Guidelines for paper submission: You will submit this paper via Blackboard, through the Assignments Tab. Here are instructions for doing so: 1. Log into MyNova, open Blackboard and click into our class Blackboard page (ENG 112 Sec 055W) 2. Go to the Assignments tab on the lefthand menu 3. Click on the Short Paper #3 Assignment link 4. Scroll down until you see Assignment Submission and click Browse My Computer to attach a file as your submission 5. Select your saved paper file and click the Submit button to upload your paper (Please note that if you click “Save as Draft”, I will not be able to view your paper)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Role of Old Man Warner in “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson
In the short story “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson, the character of Old Man Warner plays an important role in the development of the theme of the blind following of tradition. Old Man Warner is the oldest living person in the village, and has participated in each of the last seventy six lotteries, the present one being his seventy-seventh.
The presence of Old Man Warner symbolizes the enduring nature of traditional practices. Like the black box that has been there for many years, Old Man Warner is the symbol of continuity of the village’s traditions. It is amazing that he has participated in the lottery for seventy six times, but has managed to avoid the death-spelling slip with the black spot. His long-lasting luck symbolizes the survival of tradition at a time when it is threatened by civilization.
The role of Old Man Warner in developing the theme of the endurance of tradition is portrayed through his opposition to attempts to change the way the lottery was conducted or abolishing it altogether. When he is informed by Mr. Adams that people in the north village are planning to abolish the ritual sacrifices, he retorted back...
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