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Depression and Ernest Hemingway

Essay Instructions:

Abnormal psychology (PSY 235) research paper About Depression and alcoholism Looking at Ernest Hemingway 6 Pages Double spaced APA Format 4-6 sources: Recommended The DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition: DSM-5) Scholarly articles Ect. Paper Layout: Title Page 3/4 page Intro 3 1/2 pages main topic 3/4 conclusion

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Depression and Ernest Hemingway
Depression and Ernest Hemingways
Ernest Hemingway was regarded as the Shakespeare of the 21st century, and his mastery in literature was beyond what the common person could comprehend. His command of the literature world made him stand out from the rest. His contribution to the field was a fete that only he could achieve. However, with this great story of his life was the darker, deep world he was living alone. He had been born in a family with a history of mood disorders, alcoholism, and it turned him into an individual that could not be helped. This past played an important role in his literature but so did it in his personal life. Ernest was a disoriented man and through his work it was clear he was depressed and disturbed person. The stories and novels he wrote revealed he had bipolar disorder, was an alcoholic and his brain was subjected to traumatic injuries (Waldhorn, 2002). This essay is intended to analyze the relationship between his depression and alcoholism and their comorbidities and how they affected his life.
Human growth and development is essential as one moves from childhood to adulthood. However, numerous factors determine good or healthy growth of any human being. Reflecting on a literal point of view, it is worth noting that such factors take account of internal and external aspects. Most importantly, these factors can be easily controlled during our growth in order to achieve success in life or live longer without stress. To the contrary, if such factors are not well managed, they result to life and one living in a depressed life. It is worth examining the early life of Ernest in order to understand how such factors destroyed his marriage, career, and life.
Ernest as a child was described as being anxious when it came to his relation with others. He was always a person filled with fear and depression primarily was part of his life way back at a tender age. From his childhood, it is clear that Ernest had a disturbing background when he was growing up. His mother dressed him as a girl and addressed him as her doll while his sister was dressed in boyish cloths. Even though she stopped the practice after he had reached age six, the damage had already been done, and he was angry with her and life (Martin, 2002). Having been a sensitive kid, the effect it had on him made Ernest detest his mother and later on in life his friend would reveal that he talked badly of his mother. His friend could later affirm that Ernest was the only person he actually knew who really had true hatred towards his mother.
The misfortunes did not end there as Ernest father had a history of being harsh and ruthless disciplinarian. Whenever he got the chance, his father would beat him mercilessly, and he seemed to enjoy it. This had a very bad effect on Ernest as he grew up (Tyler, 2001). He became paranoid of the figure that his father represented in his life. Just like other victims of depression, he was always cautious, and overly scared at the presence of authority. In some instances, he would fantasize about shooting his father with a shotgun. He would aim at him while hiding and pretend he was about to kill him just so as to get the satisfaction. Later on in life after the suicide of his father, Ernest blamed himself for having fantasized and dreamed of his father’s death. After that incident, he was on a downward spiral of drinking and blames games. Hypertension was what resulted afterwards. His body system could no longer hold it together. By stressing himself, his body was subjected to chemical imbalances resulting in high blood pressure, it made his body weak and treatment of the same was inevitable.
After finishing high school, he chose not to go to college and chose to write for a local newspaper. The disturbing past of his life would cycle the themes of most of his materials, and when this was not enough to satisfy his hurting soul, he enlisted into the Army for the First World War but then rejected because of a defective eye. This did not stop him as he later on volunteered as a driver for the Red Cross ending up being posted to Italy as a support staff for the soldiers. It is from here henceforth that bodily injuries started; starting with the injury on his leg by an exploding device in 1981 (Waldhorn, 2002). Analysts claim that because of a disturbed past, Ernest had a death wish which saw him try adventures that posed great risks to his own life. He adopted practices that were deemed abnormal by others. Alway...
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