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Career Path

Essay Instructions:

Complete the Career Finder assessment. Identify three careers from the Career Finder that you would like to learn more about. In a well-organized essay, please summarize the results from your skills finder assessment and describe how your strongest skills fit into the perspective careers you chose. Write a well organized essay on my results, which were: lawyer, desk clerk, culinary chef

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Career Path

For me, a career is not just a job that is rush to every morning and at the end of the month am looking forward to the pay; so that I can pay my bills and have the occasional trip to pampered beach resorts. It is a life time adventure that taps into my abilities and character fundamentally. After taking a career finder assessment, there are three careers paths that I have found, which relate to my character and skills. The career paths in question are becoming a lawyer, culinary chef or a desk clerk.
One of the aspects of my character is my skills in negotiations. Becoming a lawyer is going to fit in with this attribute. At the same time, I have well developed persuasion skills that also link to the fact that I am a good listener. In most of the cases, I am not easily offended which means that I would fit in the lawyer career, given the highs and the lows of a lawyer on an everyday basis.
The desk clerk career would also fit in with my skills especially regardin...
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