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Reflection on The Seven Traits for the Future

Essay Instructions:

In his essay “Seven Traits for the Future,” Alasdair MacIntyre points to an important paradox raised by the use of genetic engineering. What is MacIntyre’s paradox? Is he correct regarding the paradoxical effects that will arise as a result of creating designer children? Why or why not?

Citations: Please use Footnotes (as opposed to Endnotes or a bibliography) and include a full citation.

Format: Double-spaced, 12 font, Times New Roman

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Seven Traits for the Future
Seven Traits for the Future
Every society dreams of the best for their generation. In his essay Seven Traits for the Future, Alasdair Chalmers MacIntyre explains traits necessary for a bright future. In the introduction to his essay, MacIntyre explains the class of people that decides the characteristics that a whole society gets. According to him, the broader community has the obligation of shaping the future of the children who are our descendants. But everything in the world is politicized, and MacIntyre says that desirable traits to impart our descendants are political problems. He believes that those who hold political and social power determine what we do and give permission to impart society's desirable traits. Paradoxically, MacIntyre thinks it is suitable for the social and the political power to decide what we do. This essay discusses this paradox and explains whether MacIntyre was correct about the effects that will emerge due to creating designer children.[MacIntyre, Alasdair. "Seven traits for the future." Hastings Center Report (1979): 5-7.] [MacIntyre, “Traits” What we do will be determined by what those who hold social and political power more generally decide, for a variety of reasons, it is good to do]
There is a need to design the future generation, as MacIntyre states. But society rarely gets that chance. Instead, the political class takes all the responsibility. Their action is often geared towards benefiting them, but they have the power. Ironically, MacIntyre thinks that the political class can determine what society traits are suitable for the future. But the reality of the situation is that the political cartels run the world, and they decide how the world runs and how what traits are suitable for the generations.
We live in an uncertain world, and this situation might not change in the future because the systems are not changing. According to MacIntyre, it is tough to design future traits because of uncertainty as the future is not predictable. We cannot plan or twist what we do not know. Natural science s also unpredictable and cannot foresee the future. For example, MacIntyre asks how life would be if, for example, someone had predicted the invention of the wheel way before. It would be hard to say that say he predicted as opposed to inventing it. Science is fixed, and we cannot predict natural science, meaning it is hard to shape the future. Any generation needs to have the ability to live in uncertainties the world to face anything that comes our way, and this is how we need to design our children.[MacIntyre “Traits” As he does so, it becomes clear that he is not expecting the invention of the wheel; he is inventing it.]
We only know who we are through reflecting on our past. The past always shapes the future because we can contemplate the wrongs we have made to make it right. Children are born to a generation with a history, and that past determines the traits of this generation. For example, in a family tree, we often trace our roots to great grandparents who are already dead, but they left us with their name that we will also leave for our children to inherit. This way, we pass...
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