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Dominant Cultural Identities

Essay Instructions:

For your cultural identities, which ones are dominant and which ones are non-dominant? How do you know? (define each term/concept in your response)

Describe a situation in which someone ascribed an identity to you that didn’t match with your avowed identities. Why do you think the person ascribed the identity to you? Were there any stereotypes involved?

Make a list of some of the cultures to which you belong. Keep this list to yourself. On this list can be identities based on your heritage, race, religion, sports you play, hobbies, work, etc. From your list, choose one culture to write about for the remainder of the assignment. With that one culture in mind answer the following questions:

Is your culture primarily individualistic or collectivistic? How do you know? (Define the concepts and use examples to support your answer) More info on these terms in Chapter 6 of Communication in the Real World

Is your culture primarily high-context or low-context? How do you know? (Define the concepts and use examples to support your answer) More info on these terms in Chapter 5 Communication in the Real World

Is your culture primarily high-power distance or low-power distance? How do you know? (Define the concepts and use examples to support your answer) More info on these terms in Chapter 14 Communication in the Real World

What did you learn from describing some of the norms of your culture?

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Culture Assignment
Dominant cultural identities are the ones the majority accepts. These identities have more resources and influence. For instance, In America, being white, male, and heterosexual are all dominant identities (Jones, 2013). Individuals in this group have more privileges. They belong to a dominant group that enjoys special privileges. On the other hand, being a woman, born of another color, and homosexuals are seen as non-dominant identities. These identities have fewer resources and influence. Individuals exhibiting non-dominant cultural identities are usually at a disadvantage. Such individuals undergo some form of institutionalized discrimination like racism, ableism, and sexism among others (Jones, 2013).
During my first year of college, my classmates thought that I was antisocial. This was because I spend most of my time reading books or watching documentaries. Since I spend most of my time in activities that required that I withdraw from people, my classmates ascribed me an antisocial identity. However, I do not consider myself antisocial. I do create time to engage with classmates and friends especially when I have achieved my objectives. Being antisocial was ascribed to me considering that I also wear glasses. Since people who wear glasses tend to be stereotyped as nerds and hence antisocial, this could have contributed to the notion that I did not love the company of my classmates (Jones, 2013). All these ascribed identities do not accurately define the kind of person I am.
My culture is individualistic as demonstrated by the emphasis on an individual as opposed to the entire group. Instead of identifying with a particular group, my primary culture emphasizes being independent. ...
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