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Written assignment Literature & Language Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

Mary Shelley's Frankenstein is not just a fantastical horror story. It's also a human story about the value of interpersonal relationships and the consequences of living without them. Now that you've read almost two thirds of that book (up to page 173 (the end of Chapter XVI)), consider the questions below.

According to Shelley's novel:

1) What's the single most important way that relationships aid the pursuit of a "good life"?

2) What in life is chiefly responsible for undermining or weakening personal relationships?

3) What's the most damaging consequence that a lack of close connections to others has on a person?

Answer these questions by analyzing the interpersonal development of either Victor Frankenstein or the monster (choose ONE). Whichever character you select, you should discuss primarily that character for all three questions.

Please write at least two full paragraphs in response to each question. You must include in your answers some key quotations from Frankenstein to support what you're arguing!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
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Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
The desire to do good, help, and make our loved ones happy is the single most important way in which relationships promotes the pursuit of a good life. When we try to help those around us, we tend to pursue a good life, whether knowingly or unknowingly. The story of Victor Frankenstein starts with how his father, by wanting to help his friend, adopts, and later marries his friend’s daughter, who then becomes Victor’s mother. Victor’s father “…came like a protecting spirit to the poor girl, who committed herself to his care; and after the interment of his friend he conducted her to Geneva and placed her under the protection of a relation (Shelley.n.d.).” The relationship between Victor’s father and mother is characterized by affection and happiness. Also, it is because of the same reason that Victor’s parents adopt Elizabeth, who becomes an important part of Victor’s life. Also, Victor hardly took responsibility for his actions, often blaming others. But when he dreams of Elizabeth dying, he feels responsible for her possible death because he created the monster. His desire to protect Elizabeth leads him to take responsibility for his decisions, for once.
Personal relationships are undermined or weakened by a lack of support and encouragement. When Victor first develops an interest in the work of Cornelius Agrippa, his father does not encourage or support his interests. His father refers to Agrippa’s book as “sad trash” and discourages Victor from reading it. However, Victor becomes even more determined to read the book and even reads other books written by Agrippa. This affects Victor&r...
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