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America Dream: Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

Essay #1, due Sunday evening

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Develop a topic, write, and submit ESSAY #1:

Use direct references to Emerson's work from the first week, the history of the idea, the American dream, and from Alger's Ragged Dick and/or Oh Pioneers! Be sure to have a main idea that you would like to discuss, based on your readings and/or upon the discussion boards from these last three weeks. I will be looking for that thesis statement in your opening paragraph. We will be using the UB Reaction Paper Rubric throughout this course, so please review it so you know what we look for.

For instance, you might be struck by Ragged Dick's self restraint as he goes forward in his life. Currency conversion shows that $5 dollars he got would be about $88 today. He doesn't spend it all though, does he? What is Alger telling us about how money should be spent, exactly? What is the relation of frugal behavior to successfully fulfilling a dream? What does self restraint take, exactly?

Have you even considered what does make humans happy? Every time I think about the "pursuit of happiness" I wonder what the founding fathers meant. I understand that they were writing from a long ago time and I suspect that their ideas about life were far from our own. Today there are even scholarly journals that publish articles that explore human happiness. What does make humans happy? What would Alger, Cather, and/or Emerson say about the concept of happiness? Is this even an achievable or worthy goal? What are you thinking?

You might consider how Alexandra is treated as a successful female among the people of her tightly bound immigrant community. When her father selects her for the head of the household upon his death, he basically remakes her future. How does her life change and why? Can Alexandra pursue the American Dream, once given these responsibilities? Can she attain it? Can any woman?

What is the importance of mentors or role models in our lives? In Ragged Dick and also in O Pioneers! we see and feel the need for role models for those who are developing and on their way in their young lives. Contrast this apparent need with Emerson's exhortations that we must be individuals and trust in our own intuitions?

This is not a literature course as such, but those who read O Pioneers! might want to consider the characters of Emil and of Marie. They appear in the beginning of the book as children and are always a concern of Alexandra's. What do they stand for and how do they sharpen our focus on Alexandra, the Bergsons, and life on the Divide at the turn of the 20th century?

Many readers of O Pioneers! resent the heck out of the two elder brothers, Lou and Oskar, for the way that they resent their sister, Alexandria. Can you, fitting into the shoes of these men and their time and place in history, write a defense of their resentment? What were they feeling, what would they have had to endure as the brothers to the successful Alexandra, and why do they blame her for the eventual tragic events of their lives?

Emerson tells us that imitation is suicide. Each of us must pursue our own dreams based on our beliefs, talents, and curiosities. It's as if we are riding in that plane when the oxygen mask drops down to us and we are told we must fit it over our own mouth and nose before helping anyone else. This indicates self love but also a sort of selfishness. Equate Emerson's idea to characters we are reading and thinking about.

Emerson writes about being our own person. He is in love with the idea that each of us are individuals. He asserts that we must develop our individuality or ruin our lives. Those who conform are lost, he says. We diminish ourselves when we listen to others and what they want for us. There are those who read "Self Reliance" and find it a welcome revelation -- it's the word I have been waiting for, one student said. Others argue that most of us must conform to succeed and they launch evidence to prove it. Discuss Emerson and his relevance. Are there those who have succeeded without listening to conforming voices?

Many of us may be unhappy about the fact that the American dream lately seems to be about the quest for things -- especially "lusting" after opulent houses. Robert Schiller, a writer, comments, " we need to bring back the American Dream of a just society, where everyone has an opportunity to reach 'the fullest stature of which they are innately capable.' " He very much dislikes the American quest of big houses, love of things, and flashy behavior. Is materialistic behavior today so different than the dream pursued by the Bergsons or by Ragged Dick? Given our recent societal traumas, is this the perfect time to have a discussion about trying to return to a purer time?

This short paper should be about 750 words in length, double-spaced, and well organized. It should contain quotes and direct references from our class texts to demonstrate you have read and thought about the works you use to discuss your topic. Cite sources using APA and edit mercilessly before uploading your work. There is a word count available in Word. If you are not using word, this translates to about two and a quarter pages.

This work is due at midnight on Sunday night and it will automatically go through turnitin.com, so be sure to properly cite your sources using APA documentation. I can't wait to see what you come up with!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

American Dream
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American Dream
The American dream can be described as the notion that the US government is required to safeguard people’s opportunities by allowing them to pursue whatever makes them happy. This term was used by James Truslow Adams, a historian in 1931 explaining why most individuals from across the world were aspiring to live in the United States. The first people to settle in the US desired to have a more fulfilling and happy life than their previous European country. The primary reasons that had driven these people out of Europe include poverty, political oppression, and religious persecution. These individuals dreamt that they would get self-fulfillment, happiness, and dignity, personal freedom, economic success, and prosperity, and get an opportunity to escape poverty by attaining immense fortune and fame in America. These settlers believed that there were equal opportunities to acquire wealth in America, and they would exist as a classless community with the freedom to worship their God and experience political democracy (Delbanco, 2009). The novels Ragged Dick by Alfer, Oh Pioneers, and Emerson's exhortations explore the American dream's notion differently.
The novel Ragged Dick portrays the American dream through the tales in which the involved characters prevail over adversity by being self-reliant, self-disciplined, and persevering. The American industry that provided them with opportunities also contributed to their prevailing (Alger, 2014). Role models and mentors are very important in helping us shape our lives. The need for role models is seen in Oh Pioneers and Ragged Dick's novel, which differs from Emerson's ideas in his exhortations. Emerson emphasizes that to be happy and prosper, we must embrace individuality by focusing on our own beliefs and needs and trusting our intuitions. Emerson disagrees with the idea of us relying on people for advice, for he believes other persons can mislead someone by giving their opinions based on their beliefs. In Oh Pioneers, mentors are appreciated as we see Alexander being advised concerning the farm (Cather, 2003). She is also a role model for her brothers because she manages their farm through a period of drought and depression and manages to persevere and become very successful.
Emerson emphasizes that for people to become successful and happy, they must focus on being their person. He expr...
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