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Literature & Language Essay: Arranged Marriages: Changing Gender Roles

Essay Instructions:

For this response you are expected to do some online research. Keep in mind that the response is three pages long. Do NOT do research for a term paper.

Read "Arranging Marriage in India" in Chapter 9 (Haviland 2017, pp. 216-217) Serena Nanda's study is from 1992. In India, in what ways have arranged marriages and gender roles changed in the past 28 years? In the United States, how do families from India manage the marriages of their children? Matchmaking services can be located in U.S. cities and some are quite expensive to use. In your opinion, what are some advantages of arranged marriages compared to marriages that are not arranged? Marriage and gender are discussed in Haviland's Chapters 6, 9 and 11. Cite the information you use with page numbers and link articles you find on line.

Web Source:

Modernization and Arranged Marriage

Write 2-3 pages (at least 500 words.

Directions for citing sources and for submitting your response:

The use of the words I or me is fine when referring to your own experiences and ideas. If you use an author's direct words, or almost their direct words, quotes must be used and the source (last name of author, most recent year of publication and page number from the text) must be given. For example, “Anthropology is the study of humankind in all times and places.” (Haviland 2017, 3). If re-written, mostly in your own words, you omit the quotes but DO give the author, date, and page number. When discussing a video, give the title. For a web source, give a brief address and use quotes if quoting. For example: (americananthro.org, 1/3).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Arranged Marriages: Changing Gender Roles
Arranged Marriages
Arranged marriages and gender roles have undergone some slight changes in India over the past 28 years. While traditionally the marriages were based on matters of caste and individuals’ reputation, modern changes such as education have made the issue of love quite important too.
In India, the idea of arranged marriages has not changed very much even though significant changes are observed in terms of the elements that these marriages are based on. Notably, the practice is still very common in some parts in India and particularly dominant in North India (pg3). Traditionally, Indian arranged marriages were based on the caste, family reputation and the behavior of the couples. However, with increased modernization in form of education and access to mass media, the traditional practice of partners being selected for each other based on caste and reputation has been replaced with “the espousal of new modern values of love and choice,” (Allendorf & Pandian, 2017, pg.3). Today, most young people work together with their parents in looking for a spouse unlike before where the decision was made by parents alone. Modernization has also caused changes in the age of marriage whereby traditionally, Indians married young while today there are many late marriages.
Gender roles in India have also changed significantly. In the past, only boys were expected to receive good education in India and any educated girl was mostly considered inappropriate for marriage. For instance, we are old of the case whereby a mother rejected a girl for her son because the girl was “too educated,” (Haviland, 2017, pg.6). This notion has however changed today where a girl being educated incr...
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