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3 pages/≈825 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
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Self-Evaluation Paper. Literature & Language Essay.

Essay Instructions:


You will need to answer the three following questions honestly, thoroughly, and thoughtfully. The self-­‐evaluation must be typed, double-­‐spaced, 10-­‐12” font, with a 1” margin and 3-­‐4 pages in length. Begin with an opening statement, write your content in a clear, succinct manner, and end with a concluding statement.

Three questions that must be answered:

1. Describe the major learning events related to course content/information you learned in this class.

2. Identify a career path in Health and Human Performance that you are most interested in at this point in your education. Specifically, what is your background in this career-path and what are your future goals.

3. What could you have done yourself to improve your efforts/learning during this semester for this class?

My input:

For question 1 use:

Topics in the class that was discussed that you should use in the essay:

-exercise, physical activity, physical education, physical fitness, and sport.

-maintain weight, lose weight, or gain weight and how to adjust his/her nutrition and exercise program for doing each.

-importance of being a role model

For question 2:

Can use any health and human performance profession

For question 3:

Just choose any study technique for improvement and talk about it.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Running head: SELF-EVALUATION1
Student Name
College/University Affiliation


Traditionally, physical education evokes pure images of physical exercise and athleticism. This image is, under current and expected future developments in physical education, is increasingly misleading. The choice to join a physical education program is, accordingly, one informed less by popular (often mistaken, if not stereotyped) images about what athleticism is and more about wider contexts of and applications to everyday life. The growing social and cultural shift into a more “nutritionist” state of well being and practice is, for one, a major source informing current physical education programs. Then again, innovations in physical education, exercise, fitness, nutrition and sport such as data analytics are reinventing each and every area of physical education and exercise in and out of class. The current course, spanning such wide spectrum of subjects and information, has been an eyeopener. Indeed, prior to current course, I had (mistaken) assumptions about physical activity – just as everyone has. The learning curve in current course has been, however, steep and, I believe, of far reaching implications for any future academic and/or professional paths I might opt for. The necessary balance between physical activity, lifestyle, daily habits, and nutrition is, for one, a major concept I have come to develop in current course. The measurement methods used to calibrate physical activity and nutrition I have come to know during current course are also important contributions to my knowledge repertoire as a future professional in health and human performance. Then again, all physical education, my class has consistently been warned, is not enough should values and principles are lacking to guide such education. The importance of a role model exemplified by a health and human performance professional, a message consistently shared in class, cannot be overemphasized. That is, role modeling in health and human performance professions is


indispensable if a professional wishes to uphold ethical values and principles for a lifetime professional and personal guidance.
The career path I am most interested in is Personal Trainer. In contrast to many health and human performance professions, a Personal Trainer has much flexibility to work independently and/or corporate. Given current state of affairs, Personal Trainers are on high
demand whether as on-demand personal coaches, full time per...
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