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Mitigating the risk of environmental changes caused by global warming

Essay Instructions:

Both outline and annotated bibliography have been written, and there is a feedback from the teacher, asking to write a 5-paragraph essay.

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Global Warming
Ways of mitigating the risk of environmental changes caused by global warming
Global warming is a buzzword that has dominated conversations in the twenty-first century. The buildup of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere promotes global warming. The CO2 gas acts as a blanket on the ozone layer, limiting heat from escaping the earth's surface (Gore, 2006). Temperature change is the dominant cause of ecological imbalances on the planet, leading to accelerated calamities such as floods, forest fires, and volcanic activities. However, environmental variations due to global warming can be averted by reducing the flow of heat-trapping greenhouse fumes, protecting virgin forests and strengthening green urban constructions, and also curbing environmental pollution caused by unregulated activities.
To begin with, regulating the emission of greenhouse gases can lower the impacts of global warming. Industrialization plays a significant role in the generation of voluminous greenhouse emissions. Coal is the most used fuel, and there are no pointers that its production is slowing down. According to the U.N.'s International Energy Agency, "the use of coal has never stopped increasing, and the forecasts indicate that, unless a dramatic policy action occurs, the trend will continue in the future" (Kille, 2014). Production companies should utilize the use of greener energy like solar, wind, and water generated power. Nuclear energy is also amongst the most reliable candidates. Furthermore, transportation policies should be in place to ensure the regulation of carbon emissions as a result of traffic congestion; by inducing road restrictions and the introduction of mass transit infrastructure (Chen, 2018). Hence, using eco-friendly resources is the most efficient way to lessen the generation of environmentally harmful gases.
Moreover, the effects of global warming can be repressed through the protection of virgin forests and strengthening green urban constructions. Deforestation due to the cutting of trees to produce wood, fuel, and for building purposes is a causal...
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