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Literature Essay: An issue raised by the screening and the readings

Essay Instructions:

Essay style papers, covering at least one film and two assigned readings for the week. The responses should be thoughtful, and critically address and interrogate an issue raised by the screening and the readings. Sources should be cited correctly.

I put the film link down below. you only need to choose one of them.

1). Clip: Gattaca—Vincent’s story


2). Clip: Gattaca – transformation – Vincent becomes Jerome


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In Andrew Niccol’s movie, Gattaca, the power that a technological advancement holds was presented to the audience, emphasizing being able to genetically create a perfect human being or at least someone who is somehow free from a lot of the negative aspects of being human. This paper aims to discuss genetic engineering issues, affecting the human person’s individuality, social inequality, and the government’s role with technological advancement such as those seen in Gattaca.
Effect on individuality
As supported in Gattaca's discussion, there is a conflict between the technological advancements created by humans and the individuality and essence of being a human being. The eugenic mindset sounds like a positive way of looking at genetic engineering, but it relies too much on knowing and controlling things, which stumps the potential of what a human being should be (Kirby, 2000). The technology somehow predetermines what the individual should be and would be, instead of letting nature take its course in developing a human person. The development of a child or a human person also includes his/her developing a sense of self, which is negatively affected by genetic engineering and society's standards. Instead of encouraging potential, this engineering promotes limitations and barriers.
Societal inequality
In the human beings’ goal of creating a perfect world and an ideal human, the already present issues are further highlighted. When the movie and the concept of genetic engineering as an advancement in technology are analyzed, this results in a system that will further feed social inequality (Kendal, 2015). This also widens the gap between those who are privileged from those who are barely get...
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