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Formula for Success. Literature & Language Assignment.

Essay Instructions:

Avoid using third person perspective

No dictionary definition (don't copy definition of "success" from the dictionary or web)

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Formula for Success
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Formula for Success
There are different perceptions or definitions of success. Some people believe that success is about having as much money as possible. So, these people spend a lot of time working hard and amassing as much money as they can. Others believe that success is about making a difference in the world and touching as many lives as possible. Therefore, these individuals spend a lot of time working on ideas and projects that help change and touch people’s lives. There is a lot that also believes that success mainly involves having a happy family and giving everything for their loved ones. This lot lives for their children and their grandchildren. Their success is defined by the smiles they see on their family members. All the above definitions or perceptions of success make a lot of sense. Every group believes in their version of success and would give a justification for the same. Well, I have no objection to the above perceptions. However, my take on success is different, and so is the formula.
I believe that success is tied to doing what makes us happy. It is tied to being with people who make us happy and valued. First, success for me is not about the things we accumulate or the money we amass. It is about being comfortable and satisfied with what we are doing and with the life we are leading. Personal contentment, for me, is a mark for success. There are parts of this world where people lead lives oblivious to the busy and crazy rush the rest of the world is in. These people are not only satisfied with their lives but also unmoved by the ‘progress’ others are making. Secondly, success has to be tied to people. Everything we do in life should revolve around people if we are to consider ourselves successful. Being rich alone is not a success for me. For example, in a family, a person should not consider themselves rich or successful if their loved ones are languishing in poverty. This is not success but selfishness. I consider a person who gifts his family members opportunities to excel in life successful. ...
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