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Racism. Racism is a factor that isolates people into diverse categories.

Essay Instructions:

• Teachers should not be fired for racist posts on social media because they have the right to free speech.

• A teacher who makes racist posts on social media cannot treat their non-white students fairly.

• Employers should have the right to see anything that their employees post online and fire them for anything that is offensive to the employer.

• Punishing people for racist behavior is the wrong reaction because it does not teach them to be better people.

Write a counterargument and refutation paragraph to refute (argue against) the statement you chose. Your paragraph should do the following:

1. Introduce the counterargument by using a phrase such as "Some may claim..." or "Some people believe..."

2. If you would like, give a concession, or a statement showing that you agree with part of the statement. You can use a phrase such as "It is true that..."

3. Use a contrast word, such as "however" or "but," to introduce the refutation. Explain why you disagree with the statement.

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Racism is a factor that isolates people into diverse categories. Different individuals have their opinions about racism; racists think that people who belong in a diverse category have no rights to mingle, while proponents believe that racists do not deserve punishment because it will not change their behaviors immediately. In contrast, opponents think that racism is wrong and should not exist. Racism creates disunity among people that over generations (Feagin and Mckin...
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