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Scenario Analysis: Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

Your response should be 1-2 pages in length (double-spaced).

Analyze THREE of the following scenarios in terms of what you’ve learned about Buddhism. For each scenario, consider:

** What, according to the Buddha, is causing the person to feel miserable? Offer some quotes from the Buddhist Scriptures that explain how, in each case, the person’s particular form of suffering can be said to result from what the Buddha believed was the “root cause” of all human misery.

** What, according to the Buddha, should the person do to feel better? Again, be as specific as possible for each circumstance that you discuss. Be sure to provide quotes from the Buddhist Scriptures that support what you’re saying.


1) Devin is distraught after learning that his friend is terminally ill.

2) Sheryl becomes anxious when she can't use her phone. She feels compelled to check it every five minutes. Lately she’s been sleeping poorly because she can't resist scrolling through Instagram late at night.

3) Daniel’s depressed because he has a crush on someone who’s clearly not interested in him.

4) Jamie dislikes his appearance. He constantly compares his looks to others and struggles with feelings of worthlessness.

5) Phil feels overwhelmed by the need to get a high-paying job.

6) When Candice thinks about her health problems, she sometimes feels hopeless.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Scenario Analysis
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Scenario Analysis
Scenario One
Devin is miserable because his friend is terminally ill. A terminal illness means that his friend will soon die and be out of Devin’s life. The Buddhist scripture describes “disassociation from the loved one (Novak 1994, p.65)” as suffering. The realization that he will soon be separated from his friend by death hurts him. The scripture also describes sickness and death as suffering. This last two affects Devin, albeit indirectly since he is not the one who is sick or is going to die. Devin’s misery can be said to result from his “craving for being (p.65).” Devin has been deeply affected by his friend’s terminal illness despite the knowledge that life and living are not permanent. If he had did not have this kind of craving, he would not be suffering.
To feel better, Devin needs to make peace with his friend’s health status. Acceptance is the first step of alleviating suffering because as the first noble truth teaches us, life itself is suffering; through birth, aging, and death, among others (p.65). Also, he needs to practice the eightfold noble path. According to the Buddha, the eightfold noble path “…gives knowledge, and it leads to peace, to direct acquaintance to Nibbana (p.66).” The eightfold can lead Devin to a state of no desire and suffering.
Scenario Two
Sheryl’s source of anxiety is her addiction to her phone. This is what is causing her misery. According to the Buddha, desires causes suffering. The origin of suffering as illustrated through the Second Noble Truth is “craving for sensual desires, cr...
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