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Literature & Language
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Buddhism: Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

please submit written answers to the questions below. You should write 1-2 full paragraphs in response to each question. Be sure to address each part of the question and to provide some quotations from the Buddhist Scriptures (!one file of Buddhist Scriptures is attached.!) in your answers.

1) According to Buddhism’s Four Noble Truths, why do we suffer? (See especially pages 65-66.) What are some of the ways that this “root cause” of human suffering is defined in the Buddhist Scriptures? Can you give some real world examples of what the Buddha was talking about?

2) The Buddha argued that we can ease our suffering by following the Eightfold Path, a key component of which is “right mindfulness” (see especially pages 71-74). How is “mindfulness” defined in the Buddhist Scriptures? What are its various aspects? According to the Buddha, how does mindfulness work to reduce a person’s suffering?

3) In your opinion, what’s the most important way that the Buddhist understanding of suffering differs from the Book of Job’s?

!one file of Buddhist Scriptures is attached.!

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Question One
The Four Noble Truths in Buddhism provide details about human suffering. The second truth, specifically, explains that we suffer because of desire. Desire, as a root cause of suffering, is defined by a craving for material things, pleasure, and other things that cannot be satisfied. The scripture indicates that the root cause of suffering is “…craving for sensual desires, craving for being, craving for non-being (Novak 1994, p.65).” For instance, when we talk of craving for desires, a good example in the real world can be a craving for alcohol or unhealthy foods. This craving can lead to alcohol addiction, which then becomes a source of suffering.
Question Two
According to the Buddhist scripture, mindfulness is being in a state of awareness when the mind is free of worldly grief and judgment. This awareness must be sustained, and it co...
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