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Arrest and Search Warrants and Their Essential Components

Essay Instructions:

Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be a minimum of one (1) single-spaced page to a maximum of two (2) pages in length; refer to the "Assignment Format" page for specific format requirements.

Answer the following questions.

1. Briefly describe the difference between an arrest warrant and a search warrant.

2. What are the three essential components of an arrest warrant or a search warrant?

3. Compare the meaning of probable cause in an arrest warrant to the meaning of probable cause in a search warrant.

4. Why do you think a search warrant requires probable cause that the items to be seized are in the location to be searched, but an arrest warrant does not have the same requirement?


Question #1 15 points

Question #2 15 points

Component 1 5 points

Component 2 5 points

Component 3 5 points

Question #3 20 points

Question #4 20 points

Body paragraphs

Organization, Coherence 15 points

Spelling, Grammar, Punctuation 10 points

References 5 points

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Arrest & Search Warrants
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Arrest & Search Warrants
Arrest and Search Warrant
A warrant refers to a written order in which a judge signs to authorize the police to search for criminal evidence, seizure items connected to a particular crime, and arrest suspects of the crime.
There are two types of warrants: arrest warrant and search warrant. 
Arrest Warrant: It is an order signed by a judge to permit the arrest of a person suspected of having committed a crime (Corley, 2016). Only a person named in the signed arrest order is arrested.
Search Warrant: This type of warrant gives the police the mandate to source evidence of a crime. The document identifies and describes the possible evidence and mentions the specific place the proof will be sourced.
Essentials components of a warrant
First, the judge should be confined and unbiased. The judge issuing the arrest or search warrant should not act out of personal interest or influence from a particular person or a group of individuals (Corley, 2016).
Secondly, the purpose of the arrest or search ...
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