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Importance of Voting during Elections

Essay Instructions:

Topic- Why is it so important to vote in every election, not just in a presidential election, but in all election, from your State Government, District, local offices ect...

First, let us know what topic are you considering using for your persuasive speech? Why do you think that topic will be an appropriate choice for this audience of undergraduate college students?

Second, list two credible sources relating to your persuasive speech topic.

Explain why these sources are credible ones (for example, is it an article from a peer-reviewed journal? Is the author a respected authority in this field?)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Persuasive Speech
Name Course Instructor Date
Topic- Why is it so important to vote in every election, not just in a presidential election, but in all election, from your State Government, District, local offices ect...
Title: The importance of voting on every election, including the presidential election and other elections from the state government, district, and local offices.
General Purpose: Highlight why eligible voters should vote
Specific Purpose: Convince my fellow students on the case for voting
Part I: Speech Introduction
I. (Attention-getting statement): Why should anyone vote? Because all eligible voters express their commitment to democracy and choose candidates who best represent them.
II. (Establish credibility): I am an eligible voter just like most of you, and I evaluate those seeking elective posts based on their performance, track record and proposals.
III. (Relevancy statement): Undergraduate college students are one group, who are among the first time voters, but their participation rates are low and yet voting influences policy decisions.
IV. (Central idea): Voting allows one to exercise their right by choosing their preferred candidate(s) with their preferred policy proposals, and voting affects public expenditure decisions.
I. Voting is a right, and registered eligible can exercise the right
1. Voting allows one to make their voice heard, express their opinions and suggestions, and disagreements, while leaders are held accountable (De Moor 2016).
2. Going to vote does not mean belonging to a political party. It is simply an act of citizen participation that people exercise according to our ideals (Bimber et al., 2014).
Transition: Eligible voters have a chance to vote for candidates and proposed policy alternatives that are best fit for them.
II. Voting is about supporting a proposal or a candidate when considering the best interests
1 Before going to vote, one must consider their needs and desires and evaluate which party or proposal is the best option for them, the community, and the country (Pomante & Schraufnagel, 2015).
2 I see most of you understand voting is part of the political participation process and, I applaud you for making informed choices on candidates, political parties and proposals.
Voters evalu...
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