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Individual Assignment: Culture Across the Globe

Essay Instructions:

The third Individual Assignment is to write up an essay for Objective 1, 2, and 3 in Chapter 16 (p 476).

Chapter 16 will not be covered this semester.

However, topics and concepts in this chapter is important both for learners and practitioners.

Hence, I would like students to study this chapter and do the second Individual Assignment.

For this assignment, you should read the directions below and write up an essay.

Your essay should be 2 pages at least to 4 pages to the maximum based on *Guidelines for Individual Assignments and Case Analysis.


Read and study Chapter 16 (pp 476 - 509).

Answer the following questions in relation to Learning Objectives on Page 476.

- Questions are

1) Explain how international and cross-cultural negotiations are different from domestic or same-culture negotiations.

2) Describe different definitions and meanings of a culture

3) Elaborate how culture affects negotiation dynamics.

On your essay, you should write up all answers to all questions based on contents in Chapter 16.

Putting a simple answer (ex., Culture is "XXX." That is it.) to these questions will not give you full credit or score.

On your essay, you have to put main issues and key points on the basis of information you earn from Chapter 16 as well as what you have learned from this course.


*Guidelines for Individual Assignments and Case Analysis.

Follow the guideline for all your assignments and report as below, please.

Do Not put a title, date, course name, my name, your name, ID, major, and department.

Plagiarism is not allowed and will give you a Zero (0) point.

Other requirements

1) Font type: Times New Roman

2) Font size: 12

3) Margins: Moderate (Top: 1", Bottom: 1", Left: 0.75", Right: 0.75")

4) Paragraph: Left alignment

5) Single space: On the WORD tool bar, remove “space before/after paragraph.”

For Individual Assignment, you should write More than 3 sentences, which means at least 4 sentences, on the 2nd page.

It does not apply to the case you write up more than 2 pages which means 3 or 4 pages.

If you do not follow this guideline, you will lose 12 out of 25 points for your Individual Assignment, while 5 out of 15 points for your Report of Case Analysis.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Individual Assignment: Culture
Student Name
Institutional Affiliation
Individual Assignment: Culture
How international and cross-cultural negotiations are different from domestic or same-culture negotiations
International and cross-cultural negotiations are different from and more challenging compared to domestic and same-culture negotiations. This difference is accounted for by the various factors. For instance, there exist differences in terms of legal and political structure and compliance between cultures and countries. As such, this leads to differences in the regulations, rules, labor laws, as well as tax laws between the involved parties. As a result, cross-cultural and international negotiations call for more in-depth understanding, making them more challenging.
International business environment and economic forces; these factors contribute to uncertainty in cross-cultural and international negotiations as a result of currency fluctuations. Consequently, this makes negotiations complex as sometimes it is impossible to predict the fluctuations.
The government and other establishments in international markets have different sets of regulations and market laws, as well as different forms of working styles. As a result, it is challenging to agree on the common style to adhere to. In addition, the stability and strength of government and other functionalities influence negotiations. In some cases, they become hindrance to successful negotiations due to differences in rules and regulations, as well as approaches.
Different definitions and meanings of a culture
Culture is the cumulative deposit of experience, knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, values, hierarchies, meanings, roles, notions of time, religion, material objects, and concepts of the universe that a group of individuals acquires from one generation to the next through group and individual striving.
Culture is a system of the knowledge that is shared by a large group of people. Such people are bound together by the knowledge that they share. They also use such knowled...
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