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Neuropharmacology and The Control of Behavior

Essay Instructions:

At the end of Chapter 3 Fraises the question of whether any of us would be able to resist the introduction of a type of soma or super Prozac drug. How would you attempt to convince a close friend, family member, or loved one NOT to use the drug? What would be the strongest arguments against such use? Would such arguments be persuasive?

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Neuropharmacology and The Control of Behavior
Super Prozac drug is presented with very enticing effects that are beneficial to an individual's everyday life. It is a drug commonly used in psychotherapy for its benefits because it can address the symptoms of depression. The individuals who had already used the super drug already reported feeling better than good, with claims of a boost in self-worth and self-esteem. These all sound pleasing and beneficial to the users and those around them, especially to their loved ones, but there are also disadvantages and consequences noted as to whether taking the super drug is worth it. In this paper, I will argue about how the super drug should not be used.
Super Prozac Should Not Be Used
I am opposed to my close friend, family, and loved ones from trying out and using this drug. There should be sufficient knowledge before using psychotherapy drugs that can alter an individual’s mood and personality. With the encouraging benefits and effects of super Prozac and similar drugs, many people will undoubtedly be willing to try the medication. But the issue with this kind of medicine that gives a good feeling, an individual has the tendency to enjoy the effects of the drug too much to the point of drug dependence and addiction.[Elliott, C., & Chambers, T. (Eds.). (2016). Prozac as a way of life. UNC Press Books.]
I believe that syndromes that are considered a sickness, such as attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder, are mislabeled as a kind of illness that needs to be cured because instead of treating the disease, another perspective should be looked into as to why these symptoms are present. For the case of ADHD, these boys who are commonly diagnosed are not meant to sit still in classrooms and in front of television/computer screens but instead, they should be actively exploring the world around them to develop essential skills and learning during those early years. There are reasons why certain feelings or emotions are felt and should not be automatically medicated with drugs that promise some kind of cure.[Fukuyama, F. (2003). Our posthuman future: Consequences of the biotechnology revolution. Farrar, Straus and Giroux.]
Aside from this, there are also known side effects of taking this medication and similar drugs with the same purpose, such as increased weight, sexual dysfunction, disfiguring tics, and even brain damage. These possible side effects are enough reason not to risk taking the super drug, as many studie...
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