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Different Perspective of Love and Women

Essay Instructions:

Film class homework, telling how the author’s description of women in the two books is different, combining it with the social environment at the time and their personal experience

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Different Perspective of Love and Women
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Different Perspective of Love and Women
Women have always been viewed differently in society. In the past, social structures and cultural alienations have been the defining factors that set the tone on the perception of women. These pertain to how they are viewed, treated, and their status in society. Different scholars and narrative have since been used as a medium through which women's plight is expressed as a reference on how various societies perceive women. Environmental settings highly dictate the nature of how women are treated. Women's sexuality is also a matter that points out how different societies perceive women. Therefore, the essay will look into the different perceptions of love and women in Dingaling's Miss Sophie diary and Zhang Ailing's Speaking of Women.
Since its inception, “Miss Sophia's Diary," her work has since remained iconic in modern China's literature. She stands as one of the reaming intellectuals representing the fourth generation who had revolted against the traditional culture advocating for applying vernacular language in literature. Ding Ling stands as an exemplary person who is unique by making women her primary subject in her writings. "Miss Sophia Diary" is a confession that bravery exposes the modern Chinese woman tormented by erotic desires of having an exotic man (Wang, 2019). Through the thirty-three entries, she presents the theory on the modern girl stance. She presents her character detail the experiences of a woman through their perspective, which can be contradictory and problematic. The story in the diary is about Sophia, a woman grappling to understand her identity and sexuality. To understand the way Sophia admires the exotic man from Nanyang, and the language Sophia constructs in the diary demonstrate unconventionality that adds to Ding. Is the man presented to only play a critical male role right against the females? Or is the exotic man from Nanyang representing the ethnicity of Chinese.
Having the male character swirl among the mass of female desires and not question such intentions necessitates other ways of reading the diary. Intellectuals and scholars are largely dependent on the narrative deployment and representation of "new women" to create an emerging identity in modern society and as a way to indict a cultural tradition that is benighted. However, the concept relating to social location and the sexual obsession of Sophia does not get much attention and therefore serves as a chance to consider the subjectivity of gender and their sexuality (Huang, 2020). The manner in which Sophia relates herself to otherworldly male creates the basic focus in understanding women and their sexuality. In the diary, modernity unfolds itself through the struggle related to two interrelated concepts that created China's identity. Compulsory heterosexuality and colonial fantasy form the basis of the discussion.
Women and Love in Sophia’s Diary
With the diary publication, Ding creatively crafted a name for herself to be a female who creatively portrayed the Chinese modern woman. Understanding the diary ought to first acknowledge that sexuality and gender are the central themes of the text. To the readers, she is an intellect whose modern womanhood outlook can be very problematic (Bojovschi, 2020). Praised for being the big thing in the description of the sexuality of women points at how Sophia, therefore, created an addiction in public and being a symbol for the modern Chinese woman emancipated through the fourth movement still bearing the scares relating to the harboring contradictory and the era of sexual desires. The diary points out that addressing female desire and keeping up with modern women's moral predicaments in China. As presented in the diary, Sophia's suffering is a direct reflection of the many echoing voices related to a number of liberated women in China in the 20th century. These women bravely struggled against political rights that were contradictory for them and the modern time theories that had women being viewed as less than the men.
Feminist texts are never limited to the only gender. : "Miss Sophia's Diary," in this case, has more in reading than just the usual emotional or sexual battle. The text is a feminist discussion that well reminds us of how gender, which is a discursive social and historical construct on sexuality, allows inequitable relationships of p...
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