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Essay Instructions:
Bio 1913 Epidemic Profile Due: Wednesday, June 27th to turnitin.com. Hard copy due Monday, July 2nd Percentage of grade: 100 pts.(10% of course grade) Length: 5 FULL pages typed DS (font 12), 1-inch margins—Does not include Title page or References page I. Structure and Morphology of Infectious Agent How is it shaped? What are the identifying cellular (or noncellular)structures? II. Effects on Human Physiology What area of the body does the agent affect? What are the needs of the agent from the infected area? III. Symptoms How does the infected know that they have contracted this particular disease? IV. Epidemiology How is the disease spread? What percentage of a specific population is/was affected? What behaviors make people more susceptible to the disease? V. History What part of the world has been most affected by the disease and when? When was the causative agent identified/isolated? VI. Treatment and Recovery How is the disease treated? What percentage of the infected recover and with what effects? List of three or more resources; one source must be non-internet (book, periodical). WIKIPEDIA MAY NOT BE USED AS A SOURCE: Author(s). Year. Title. City: Publishers. Scientific footnotation of all statistics and direct quotes. Your paper loses points when: 1. Your similarity rating is too high. For each point over 14% on your similarity rating, you will lose two points from your grade 1. you provide a direct quote or statistic without citation [Citation] 2. it isn't the full required length. Title pages and references pages are never numbered. [Inadequate Length] 3. cited material comprises more than 10% of your paper. Use citations sparingly. [Excess Citation] 4. the language of the paper is too clinical: it reads like a medical textbook. Instead, the paper should be written for the following audience: a college graduate in a non-science field that has an interest in reading about your disease. However, you can use anatomical terms from A&P and terms that we will cover in Biology 1913. [Language Too Clinical] 5. there are excessive grammatical errors [Proofreading Needed] PLAGIARISM: Plagiarism is copying verbatim from a text and not giving credit to the author or the citation. A paper containing plagiarized material will receive 0/100 pts. SARS I came from Hong Kong, which is one of the places that have SARS, try to research more information about Hong Kong. High school closed, nurses and doctors have to stay at hospital, and they can't and don't want to go back home since they try to avoid contact with their family, some nurses died. Cause of the disease, in hong kong, some people believe that it is spread from some people ate Civet or drink Kopi Luwak(coffee). Chinese ate anything so…
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SARS is an acronym for severe acute respiratory syndrome. This is a viral disease that affects human being`s respiratory system and is caused by the SARS coronavirus. SARS spread very after the first instance had been reported and the disease almost became a virulent disease thus attracting a lot of international attention. The spread of SARS was successfully contained by June 2003 though not completely eradicated. The disease originated from the animal population and it is believed that the disease could still be present in its natural form in the animal population. The fatality of the disease is more among the older population as compared to the younger population. When the disease was first reported, researchers noted that there were some people who were very efficient at spreading the disease. This group of people can be called super-spreaders (Escors, Camafeita, Ortego, Laude and Enjuanes, 2002). When the first case of SARS was detected in Hong Kong, several high schools were closed and health care providers were forced to stay in hospitals so as to prevent the disease from spreading to their family members. Some nurses died in the process of trying to care for the SARS patients. However, there is no clear explanation that ravels the reason and circumstances behind super-spreaders who were able to spread the disease very fast.
Structure and Morphology of the Infectious Agent (SARS)
Shape of SARS
The SARS virus features a core of a genetic material which is surrounded by a spherical material which is in turn surrounded by a spherical protein cell. The protein cell is also further covered by an extruding surface of proteins which then create a corona when viewed using an electron microscope as shown in the diagram below.
Source: Journal of Virology Dec 2001: 12228 - 12240Identifying cellular structure of SARS virus
The SARS viruses reproduce in the cytoplasm of cells and then release their genetic material into the cytoplasm where new virus genetic material and virus proteins are produced. The produced components recollect together to form new particles of the virus.
Effects of SARS on Human Physiology
The SARS virus has several effects on human beings. SARS mainly affect human beings` respiratory system. It causes hematological changes in patients. These changes are mostly found in the white blood cells and the bone marrow. The viruses also induce immune complexes and auto-antibodies and then damage the cells. A condition called thrombocytopenia is also experienced by SARS patient. This involves damage to the lungs and increases the consumption of white blood cells. The SARS viruses also reduce the production of the white blood cells in the lungs. One of the most common effects of SARS is immunodeficiency which is the consumption of disease fighting organism thus leaving the patient prone to attack from various diseases which could have otherwise been fought and automatically eradicated by the patients` antibodies.
Area of the body affected by the agent
SARS affects the respiratory of human beings and generally inhibits the quality of breathing. However, research shows that if a patient lives with SARS for a long time, the disease may affect the entire body. Several species of the corona virus are however known to cause gastrointestinal liver and neurological illnesses in both human beings and animals. The virus mainly eats up the white blood cells and interferes with the antibodies in a human being`s body. Once the white blood cells have been eaten up, the immune system of the body is destroyed and the body cannot be able to fight disease causing organisms on its own.
Symptoms of the SARS agent
How does the infected person know that he/she have been affected by the disease?
The incubation period for the disease is usually between 2 - 7 days. The disease starts with a high fever which is usually over 390 Celsius. This is later followed by severe headache and an overall feeling of discomfort as the entire body aches. Few patients show respiratory comfort during the early stages of the disease...
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