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Leadership, Dr. Chris Kemper

Essay Instructions:
Hi, Below is the instruction. Pleae read it carefully. Total page are 9. one for 2pages summary and 7 pages for the interview essay. Reference dont count. Thanks Task 1/ In preparation for your final Leader Interview paper, in a narrative format, develop a list of twelve thoughtful questions that embrace the concepts presented in the literature. Please include whom you will be interviewing and why you want to ask these questions. You will use these questions to interview your leader. Below are the link: (2 pages summary) this is separate from the paper on Task #2 but it must same leader that you are interview on Task #2 Leadership questionshttp://michaelhyatt(dot)com/20-questions-to-ask-other-leaders.htmlhttp://humanresources(dot)about(dot)com/od/leadership/a/leader_question.htm Task 2/ Choose a leader from your professional life whom you would like to interview. Conduct an interview of 45 minutes or less with this individual. We strongly recommend that you choose someone with whom you ordinarily do not have contact. We also suggest that you aim high! For example, you may interview the CEO of your organization or the president of a charitable non-profit or the author of a published leadership book. This is your opportunity to use your student status to meet and talk with someone you have admired from afar! Your questions for your interviewee should focus on leadership qualities that either you or your leader identify. (Please do NOT include your questions in the body of the paper.) You must highlight the essence of your leader's statements, using them to address leadership innovation, emotional competence, crisis management, spirituality, change and conflict, leading teams, and transformational coaching. The interview statements must be supported by the literature, both from the text and from other appropriate scholarly references. Task 3/ Write a paper of at least 7 pages. For this paper, an abstract is not required.. The paper must adhere to APA 6th Edition guidelines. This includes both grammar and formatting. Failure to do so will result in a decrease in grade. Leader Interview Grading Rubric Content—Does the paper address each of the following and utilize the literature to appropriately support points made? 3 points each = 24 points1. Leadership innovation2. Ten principles for leaders3. Emotional competence4. Crisis management5. Spirituality6. Change and conflict7. Leading teams8. Transformational coaching
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Leadership, Dr. Chris Kemper
Professor Name:
(June 20, 2012)

Leadership, Dr. Chris Kemper
Leadership is complex with diverse definitions. The common aspect that appears in all the definitions is the presence of a leader and followers. The processes of leading inspire the followers willingly. Research has indicated that all the people are leaders in one way or another (Hyatt, 2009). Leaders keep on learning from one another, technological developments is driving at changing world with changing roles of the leaders, meaning that leadership is dynamic in nature. Hyatt (2009) argues that the best model of growing leaders is through asking questions.
Hyatt (2009) continued to support his arguments through an interview performed by Michael Smith from the ClearView Baptist Church on Leadership. Michael started by introducing himself and his aspirations of growing as a leader in sabbatical projects. Michael was interviewing leaders from different professions, and was thoroughly prepared with defined and thoughtful set of leadership questions.
Thoughtful Questions on leadership
Define leadership, and which are the core challenges faced by leaders in the modern world?
How do you ensure sustenance of inspiration in the Director of Physician Services California as the association expands with time?
Creative thinking is core for organizations, how is it enhanced in Director of Physician Services California?
Identify the sources of great ideas in Director of Physician Services California?
Vision, Mission and core Values are critical in any organization, how do you ensure that the three cultivate the best organizational culture?
Identify how effective communication is enabled in Director of Physician Services California?
Leadership entails making choices with the view of mutual benefits of the employees and the organization, how is it observed in Director of Physician Services California?
Social networking sites, taking examples of facebook and twitter has influenced modern leadership, how has it influenced your leadership?
Developing new leaders is critical for any organization sensitive in sustenance, how do you identify and develop future leaders?
Which are the practices and principles that you apply to ensure personal development and growth as a leader?
Change is inevitable, how do you incorporate change in Director of Physician Services California to bring out the best leadership models?
Identify the influence of innovation, emotional competence, spirituality, crisis management, coaching and teamwork in Director of Physician Services California?
Leadership is abroad topic impacting on day to day activities in making decisions and choices. Leadership is innate as well learnt with time (Scrivener, 2009). Human resources have the responsibilities of developing leaders through impacting on leadership skills. Leadership gears at leadership of brands and ensures that sustainability of organizations is evident. There are number of leadership potentials gearing at change management. Leadership is directly proportional to performance; this is accomplished through set goals and targets to be attained within a designed time frame (Hyatt, 2009). Research has indicated that performance development plans enables teams to work in harmony towards attaining a desired end. Leaders are expected to lead by examples in the team managements.
Research has indicated that leading from mission and vision enhances profitability and progress of the organizations. Leading from vision and mission tracks models of team members following the leader’s model, Research have indicated that leaders are difficult to find in the current society. They are characterized with unique blend of vision, charisma and character traits that make people follow them willingly. Successful followership is guided by successful leadership setting up of high courage levels among the team members. Leaders motivate their employees, as well as observing ethics and values (Hyatt, 2009).
This paper identifies with interviewing of Dr. Chris Kemper, President and the director of physician services in California. The main aims resonate with provision of quality and reliable medical services to the general public. Leadership as asserted by Kemper indicated that “each and every organization needs leaders at different levels”. He continued to assert “that leaders are nurtured with time” and guided to deliver the desired end. Is has taken Kemper time to artfully assign leaders in the physical services depending on the skills needed at different levels (Northouse, 2012).
Leaders must display a vivid picture and a clear vision of the physician association. Success is expressed and modeled at arriving to the desired ends. Kemper asserts that “having a vision is not enough; leaders must share the vision” and above all, build on the vision to get the desired results (Selman, 2007). Kemper continued to assert that “good leaders in business must have the ability of creating a vision, have the capability of articulating the vision, own the vision and develop models gearing at the completion of the vision”.
Innovation in leadership relates to prevailing changes and the circumstances (Maxwell, 2007). Kemper indicated that “innovation is at most times about improvements of what exists”, at times to the worst depending on the perceptions of the clients. Innovation is a complex term with different meanings with no common interpretation of the term (Maxwell, 2007). Leadership is closely related to the innovativeness with the two terms geared to focus in the future. Judging from this perspective, it can be generalized that leaders are innovators (Sidious, 2008).
Leaders according to Kemper must exhibit emotional competence. This is to indicate that leaders must have the ability of expressing their inner feelings integrating at ease with others, which is an attribute that renders to effective leadership. Emotional competence is essential in social skills relating to interpretation, recognition and the ability to respond in a constructive model. Emotions are evident in all human beings and termed as normal. Aggression is a result of anger that gears at repelling the issue confronting (Maxwell, 2007). Grief results from feelings of unloved and abandonment, while feelings of danger gears as fear. Kemper indicated that “fear is the worst enemy of a business venture”, in that investors fail to risk or take calculated risk, hindering the realization of one potential (Selman, 2007).
Crisis management according to Kemper is inevitable in any business venture. Relating from his Physician services, California, he remembers when majority of the California residents complained of poor medical services, seriously tainting health care image and reputation. Crisis management is critical in that it enables organization to deal with events considered major (Northouse, 2012). The events have the capability of destroying the association, general public and the entire California state. Crisis management is characterized with three events resonating with short time to act, the threat presented to the organization and the surprise element. Leaders must be in a position to recognize these elements and take corrective measures. Crisis management is directly proportional to the risk management (Maxwell, 2007).
Spirituality relates to immaterial reality, it has the capability of enhancing consecutiveness with the human community or individuals. It cultivates orientation and inspiration in human life (Sidious, 2008). Leaders are believed to be sources of inspiration and creative thinking. Conflicts in organizations arise due changes in perceived and actual needs, interests and values. Kemper went ahead to assert that “conflicts are normal and healthy”. People respond differently to conflicts and changes. Leaders must ensure that changes and conflicts are at manageable levels in the organization (Maxwell, 2007). Kemper asserts that “management of conflicts should be prioritized basing on the negatives effects it exhibits”. The common negatives associated with conflicts identifies with the energy and time diversion from the main issues making the system ineffective. ...
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