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Home visit with Sallie Mae Fisher

Essay Instructions:

As a group, observe the simulated "Home Visit With Sallie Mae Fisher" video (http://lc(dot)gcumedia(dot)com/zwebassets/courseMaterialPages/nrs410v_vp01Alt.php). Refer to "Sallie Mae Fisher's Health History and Discharge Orders" for specifics related to the case study used to inform the assignment. Using "Home Visit With Sallie Mae Fisher" and "Sallie Mae Fisher's Health History and Discharge Orders," complete the following components of this assignment: Essay Portion After viewing the home visit, write an essay of 500-750-words in which you do the following: Identify, prioritize, and describe at least four problems. Provide substantiating evidence (assessment data) for each problem identified. Identify and describe at least four medical and/or nursing interventions. Discuss your rationale for the interventions identified. Prepare this step of the assignment according to the APA guidelines. An abstract is not required. https://lc-ugrad1(dot)gcu(dot)edu/learningPlatform/content/content.html?operation=viewContent&contentId=956926fe- 2de5-4788-a1bb-9879b819ff58 https://lc-ugrad1(dot)gcu(dot)edu/learningPlatform/content/content.html?operation=viewContent&contentId=ac25520d-2ff3-44e2-a615-368ba8982302

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Home visit with Sallie Mae Fisher
After a visit to Sallie Mae Fischer’s home, it was clear that the old woman was sickly given her recent medical history and discharge orders. The medication, social support, and preexisting medical conditions also had a big influence on Sallie’s health. For medical intervention to succeed, it is vital for patients to follow instructions, but medical practitioners also need to have good relations with patients for this to be possible. Ultimately, nurses and other medical practitioners need first to look into the physiological, psychosocial, educational, and spiritual needs of patients, before intervening.
In the case of Sallie, it appears that nearly all her physiological needs are met concerning the basic needs of food shelter and clothing. Sallie’s health complications have had a negative impact on her perception about life. Sallie’s respiratory system appears to have malfunctioned yet she does not see the need for oxygen therapy. Furthermore, the mucous membrane is dry an indication that the patient is probably suffering from dehydration (Kee et al., 2008). With loss in appetite, the patient admitted that she rarely ate properly or cooked well, a possible indicator to her sudden weight loss of fourteen pounds in one week. Lack of proper eating affects the digestive system and overall health condition and physiology of patients. Sallie’s blood pressure is 90 over 56, which indicates low blood pressure and possibly the cause of cloudiness in her mind (Williams & Wilkins, 2007), and the nurse need to emphasis that Sallie should live a healthy life.
Since the death of Sallie’s husband, it is probable that Sallie is emotionally stressed, and has no one to talk to about her problems. Furthermore, Sallie’s daughter works full -time and is unable to take care of her. Sallie has feelings of sadness and is afraid of the future, this complicated Sallie’s l...
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