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Essay Instructions:

Text Book: The Norton Anthology Western Literature, Volume I, The Ancient World through the Renaissance, 8th Ed / ISBN# 0-393-92572-2 Response Essay In the response essay, I need the following items talk about: Universality, Hyperbole, Interpretation, Metaphors, Rhyme, Allusion, Different in author and speaker. Sonnet writing: Need a response essays on the following Sonnet writing. O you who hear within these scattered verses page #: 1903 It was the day the sun's ray had turned pale page #: 1903 Whoso list to hunt page #: 1912 My galley charged with forgetfulness page #: 1912 The flee from me that sometime did me seek page #: 1913 My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun page #: 1918 While His Lady Combs Her Hair (Italian) page #: 1918 New Princedoms Gained with Other Men's Forces and through Fortune page #: 1949 Princely Virtues page #: 1951

Essay Sample Content Preview:

O you who hear within these scattered verses on page 1903, is a poem recounting the love that the writer once had in his youthful days.
It explores the element of universality as it relates to feelings every other person has had in their youthful days as they explored the world of love. These are feelings that can be related with by majority of the people in all parts of the universe, with respect to love. By interpretation, love at a youthful age is quite exciting and hurtful at the same time. as one grows older they gain more experience in the affairs of the heart and when they look back at their youthful love experiences, they can only feel sorry for themselves and at the same time appreciate how much they have leant. The poem as such, builds its content on the allusion of love. Where the writer narrates how his youthful experiences have taught him a lot over the years. In an expression the writer refers to his youthful love experience as a fleeting dream, showing that it all came to pass.
The love poem that is a sonnet on page 1903-It was the day the sun's ray had turned pale; talks of a universal idea. Majority of the people can relate to the fact that at one time or the other in their lives love has left them feeling vulnerable. By interpretation, the poem talks of how love exploits the weaknesses of one’s compassionate feelings. When we open up to receive and give love, we expose ourselves to getting hurt. In this poem there is the element of hyperbole where, in the fourth last line the writer says that his heart is has become the halls and doors of tears. The hyperbole is used to bring the readers to the reality of love and the hurtful moments it causes despite the good feelings. There is also the element of rhyming in this poem although it is not that obvious. For example in the tenth and the eleventh lines of the poem there is the element of rhyming, where the writer uses the word eyes at the end of the tenth line and tears at the end of the eleventh line. The author and the speaker are one and the same person.
The poem that goes by the name Whoso list to hunt was written by Sir Thomas Wyatt and is believed to have written this poem in the memory of Boleyn, a lady he met back abroad during his duties to king Henry the eighth as an ambassador. It was rumored that the two were seeing each other before the lady was executed for adultery. It has the element of universality, as it relates to the aspect of the writer going after a lady who he eventually lost. This is a concept that most of the readers can relate with in their lives. By interpretation the writer is trying to communicate his predicaments as he sort for love and how eventually he lost his one true love. It is thus easy to see that the writer was hurt by the fact that his love was taken from him by the state. This poem has elaborate rhyme in most of the lines, such as the fifth and sixth lines, where the fif...
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