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Role Of An Emergency Planner Planning Stage

Essay Instructions:

In your paper, discuss the key roles of the emergency planner. Explain how the emergency planner sets the stage for success at each stage of the Preparedness Cycle (Chapter 1, Comprehensive Preparedness Guide (CPG) 101 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.). Clearly differentiate between Strategic, Operational and Tactical Planning and the role of the emergency planner in development of these plans.

The paper must be three to five pages in length (excluding title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. You must use at least one scholarly source from the Ashford University Library, in addition to the textbook and CPG 101, to support your claims. Cite your sources in-text and on the reference page. For information regarding APA samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center, located within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar, in your online course.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Role of An Emergency Planner
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An emergency planner has the obligation of managing resources before, during and after a major disaster. Given the fact that disasters are unpredictable, then it is important for all organizations to have an emergency planner. They will ensure that in the event of a disaster, the organization does not suffer much loss and can get back to business as quickly as possible. Therefore, an emergency planner sets the stage for success at each of the stages of the preparedness cycle.
Planning stage
The planning stage involves the analyzing of the organization long-term and short-term goals. The success in this stage is made possible by ensuring that all the objectives are achievable and have a backup plan in the event of a disaster. The emergency planner aids in coming up with emergency courses of actions for such goals.
This stage involves the organizing of the organizational goals in order of priority. Objectives that are of much importance to the company are made a priority when planning for an emergency course of action. The emergency planner ensures the success of this stage by ensuring that all the objectives are correctly prioritized and back up plans have been set by the objective's importance (Cook, 2015).
This stage involves educating the rest of the employees on what to do in the event of a disaster. It is an involving stage that needs much patience with each of the employees because a mistake during a disaster can worsen the situation. The emergency planner ensures that all the employees are aware of the emergency courses of actions and are also familiar with the steps that they should follow during that period.
This is the stage of putting the emergency plan into action. The organization assumes that a disaster has occurred and has to follow the set strategies for a course of action. The emergency planner oversees this action to ensure that the set plan has strictly been followed.
This is the final stage whereby the emergency planner evaluates the effectiveness of the organization to use the set plan in dealing with a disaster. It is the determining stage of whether changes need to be made on the previous stages. The planner highlights all the areas that need improvement to ensure that if a real disaster occurs, then the company is fully prepared. The succ...
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