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Economic Equality Ethical Goal: Economic Equality, Democracy

Essay Instructions:

Answer each of the questions below based on the reading. Each answer should be one single-spaced paragraph of between 150-200 words. Use times new roman font in size 12

Q1. Select and briefly summarize one of the ethical goals of gender justice discussed in the chapter (economic equality, democracy, respect for environment, bodily integrity, or peace).

Q. Briefly describe the internal vs. external modes of action for feminist global justice and their guiding principles.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Gender Equality
Gender justice is what ensures the equality of individuals. Regardless of their gender, they are capable of commitments that would ensure their productivity is on point. Women and men have the obligations to better their lives when there is equity. Discriminating an individual’s gender hinders the productivity of an individual which is on the contrary of their ability to meet their obligations. There are situations where the gender of individuals is not considered in equableness. For this, there are specific rights discriminated and this affects the productiveness of the discriminated parties. Women advocates for the equality of the genders since they are mostly affected by the issue. The main goal of gender equality is to ensure that every individual is treated in an equal opportunity regardless of their sex. Following this equality, there will be lesser discrimination cases and productivity of individuals will be motivated due to equal opportunities of both men and women.
Economic equality ethical goal
One of the ethical goals is economic equality. Economic equality should be enhanced in all production fields. This equality goal is aimed at ensuring that both men and women are given equal rights and are treated the same. There are cases where women are subjected to lower pay compared to men. For this issue, there is a lack of economic equality. Equality should be considered in a way that all people regardless of their gender should be given an equal treat (Eschle & Maiguashca, 2010). Since women have their contributions to their living, they should be given equal opportunities to meet their needs by being able to afford their lifestyles. Women should be provided with equal advantages as men starting from the basic needs and employment positions. Advocating on gender equality is a way of encouraging women to operate equally as men and proving their worth in different activities. In an aim to ensure that equal treatment for both men and women is attained, human rights are considered to be human rights. This can be done through the provision of equal opportunities regardless o...
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