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Solutions For Marijuana Problems Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

marijuana use is a big problem, the essay has to include three solutions for how to deal with marijuana problem, such as how to control the marijuana use, how to get rid of marijuana if addicted to the marijuana. i will upload my essay for marijuana health problems and a simple essay for how the solutions looks like to help you write the essay.

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Solutions for Marijuana Problems
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The use of Marijuana has become a big problem over the past few decades. Marijuana poses a lot of risk to the health of the users. The long term use of marijuana cannot be ignored and therefore people should be aware of these health risks. People can seek assistance on various ways of managing its use. There are three possible solutions to the use of Marijuana. These solutions include approaching the user, seeking medical treatment and counseling, cold turkey and tapering.
Approaching the user
If an individual is abusing marijuana it is very important for a family member or friend to feel concerned about the person, However, if one tries to broach the topic, such individuals may get angry, defensive and in denial (DeRamus, 2011). Additionally, when law concerning marijuana is changed, this can hinder the individuals from seeing any seriousness of the dangerous of using the drug. Therefore approaching the person and expressing one’s concern about the issue is really important. If one is worried about a loved one or a family member who is abusing marijuana, the best way to approach such an individual is with compassion and empathy, preferably the moment they are not intoxicated. During such moments one should avoid judgments because addict ion is a disease and it needs treatments.
When approaching the individual one should be on either side, avoid using blaming language and show care by giving the, reasons to seek treatment (Cole, Smith, & Dejong, 2015). A person should also be specific on the consequences that come with smoking marijuana. Lastly a person should ask if the individual is willing to seek treatment without using any emotional pleas (Carr, 2011). In the case these individuals are not willing to seek treatment; a person should set boundaries that are not enabling their addictions. Enabling behaviors can be assisting them or buying food for them.
Addiction Treatment
There are several options that are available for treating marijuana. Since withdrawal of symptoms is very dangerous,...
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