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Social Movement Scholar Sidney Tarrow

Essay Instructions:

Answer each of the questions below based on the reading. Each answer should be one single-spaced paragraph of between 150-200 words. Use times new roman font in size 12.

Q1&2. Select and briefly summarize two of the political practices of feminist anti-globalization activists (protest, advocacy, knowledge production, service provision, popular education, or movement building. Each summary should be at least 150 words).

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Institutional Affiliation
According to social movement scholar Sidney Tarrow, feminist activists engage in protests, which according to him refer to reasonably traditional forms of protest that are within the law (Eschle & Maiguashca, 2010, pp. 132). The protests primarily target the country and the public at large through various methods.
The first protest utilizes organized public demonstrations. Different women’s groups such as the World March of Women have held numerous demonstrations all over the world. The protests aim at demonizing among others poverty and violence all over the world and creating an avenue to present petitions to concerned parties such as the IMF. The organization of public demonstrations is coordinated whereby women across numerous countries come together for a common course (Eschle & Maiguashca, 2010, pp. 132-135). For example, the global solidarity quilt of 2004 saw women from different continents stand up for one hour in unity with the twenty-four global feminist solidarity.
The second type of protest utilized is vigil. It involves women circling a particular building where they want to pass their message for several days, dressed in thought-provoking and message passing attire. For example, from 2002 to 2003, women held vigils outside the White House in the U.S. to protest the war in Iraq wearing ball gowns and pink slips.
The third form of protests women activists engage in is disruptive tactics. These tactics work to disrupt the daily routine of the population and the people to whom the protest aims while contravening the law. Civil disobedience cases such as smearing the Miss World pageant offices with cow dung in India, disruptive practices su...
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