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Risk Factors Found in Libraries and How to Weaken Those Risks

Essay Instructions:

Library Learning Assignment (4 pages)

Visit your local public, college, or military base library and develop a report on the risk exposures that you see. In addition to posting to your Assignment Folder, add a topic to the Week 4 Discussion and respond to two (2) other classmates.

Basically, please include the following content:

A brief description of the library or other building you are investigating including size, number of stories, age of building, grounds, location including city/state/neighborhood and demographics for the area, and any other information about the property that you think is important related to risk.

Using the material in the text regarding types of risk, identify several risks associated with the property/building/business practices. These should include risk of physical loss, material/equipment/inventory loss, injury risks, etc.

Suggest corrections to mitigate/minimize these risks as appropriate

Write a nice conclusion wrapping up your findings and major points/conclusions.

The paper is short, only 4 pages, so don't feel that you need to include every possible risk to get a satisfactory grade, but a good variety of risks and solid analysis of these risks and suggested methods to minimize or mitigate those risks will earn you a favorable grade.

Please let me know if you have any questions on this assignment.

Written projects:

Must be typed, double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman or Arial font, with one-inch margins

Must have the title page in APA-7th style

Must have in-text citations in APA-7th edition style

Must have reference list in APA-7th edition style. Please note that you must reference the data you are using for the project

Must be prepared using word processing software (Microsoft Word preferred)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Library Learning Assignment
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Course Name and Number
Professor's Full Name
Library Learning Assignment
Only by taking care of tangible documentation and evidence of information about the past found in our libraries can Millennials make discoveries and quests about the future. Academic libraries are the kind that is attached to academic institutions—for example, a college library. There is a need to ensure the survival of the library. While every citizen has the right to seek and receive knowledge from all perspectives and without inhibition, this freedom has exposed the library system to oversee vulnerability over a long period. This paper will disclose some of the risk factors found in libraries and some of the ways of weakening these said risks.
Pasadena public library, or the central library as we locals lie to call it, is the local library I choose to describe. It is located in Los Angeles, California. There is one building that is more than a hundred years old. It recently got renovated during the Covid- 19 pandemic, which has improved the user experience, especially for the locals (both adults and kids). There is only one large area spaced room with different ranges according to genres, excellent lighting, and new carpet installation.
The most considerable risk of all, especially in this digital age, is cybersecurity attacks in all their forms. Malware and ransomware have become common risks and recurring issues across most libraries in our nation. Most libraries are fitted with IT systems carrying valuable data that must be concealed and are at the risk of this malicious software. The virus ensures it blocks access by encryption so that the user cannot gain free access to any critical database (Singh & Margam, 2018). For access, there is a need for the user to pay the price. This risk has become a pressing issue lately because more libraries offer internet services open to the public.
Libraries become a haven for drug addicts. This habit is an unlikely risk that has time-proven to thrive. Library washrooms and hidden book stacks make the ideal space for drug users to hide their illegal merchandise and self-medicate. A remedy would be for librarians and workers to take a regular sweep and check even the most hidden locations to ensure public safety and compliance.
Privacy of users within the library walls was the main focus as a risk in the past. Presently, libraries take a more proactive role in educating patrons on online privacy practices, whether inside or outside the library. There are educational programs offered by libraries on how to safely use virtual private networks or block one's location online. One of the practices that can limit the invasion of privacy for a user or a patron is limiting the amount of personal information collected (Cox, 2018). Librarians can surely help by avoiding creating and retaining unnecessary records that are unimportant to library functions. An excellent example of an unnecessary record is a sign sheet- it places such personal information in public view.
Theft and the unthoughtful damage of books is an unfortunate vice that not be prevented by polite notices and standard library rules. Equipment and materials found in the library find a way of disap...
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