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1 pages/≈275 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 3.6

Experimental Study on Social Anxiety Disorder

Essay Instructions:

Use a reputable psychology journal, hub, or research tool, PsycPORT, google scholar, or any other  and use the “search” tool select an article that reports on a study related to one of the topics found below. 

* write a summary needs to be between 150-200 words long (this count only includes to body of the submission, not the link or title, or study type)

* The summary must include: your chosen topic from my list, at the very top (by itself), the type of research (right below the topic), the main ideas of the article,  details about the study discussed in the article (i.e. research design, number of participants, research question, data analysis, results), and a link to the article. 

* Please focus on one study, not multiple studies. It will be marked down if more than one.

* The study design/type must be a/an: EXPERIMENT, DESCRIPTIVE (OBSERVATIONAL or LABORATORY), CORRELATION, CROSS-SECTIONAL, LONGITUDINAL, OR META_ANALYSIS. Right below the chosen topic at the top, you will need to identify the type of research being discussed. 

* The study must not be a/an LITERATURE REVIEW, SURVEY, CASE STUDY CE COURSE SUMMARY, DATA ANALYSIS, QUESTIONNAIRE, OR POLL. They are very informative but not good for this particular assignment. 

* This is not a formal, formatted paper. No need for citations, references, etc, only need the direct link to the article. Think of it as a journal entry.

* No direct quotes or copied and pasted text from the article are allowed.

* NO ATTACHMENTS. Please enter the actual submission into the given text box. The only way for the Turnitin software to work engage (a plagiarism check), the submission has to be typed or cut and paste into the text box, is to submit it this way. A 0 grade will be awarded for work submitted as an attachment. 

* The Turnitin software will provide a percentage. The score can affect your grade. Anything 20% or below is acceptable. Points deducted will begin at 20% and go up as the score goes up.

* be selective about what kind of article you choose. The article you choose must include a specific study that is used as the basis for the article. It is always best if the authors are the ones that conducted the study or experiment. This is the most important part of this assignment. Do not choose an article that provides basic information about the topic. For instance, if you choose Learning, you need to find a research article that connects Learning and some other factor, like poverty, for example, and performs a study related to those concepts. Another example being too general would be using articles from the “help center” section of the APA website. When describing the cutting edge research found in your article, give details about the study – design, number of participants/subjects, results, etc. There is a lot of general information about these topics on the website but choose articles that discuss cutting edge research regarding the topic. One rule of thumb is that if I can find the info in the article in the course textbook or a textbook for General Psychology, then the article is too general. The other key is if the article never even mentions your topic as a key concept, it's best to find another article. Examples of well-written submissions can be reviewed on my HCCS Learning Web profile page (https://learning(dot)hccs(dot)edu/faculty/rob.trevino). 

* These papers are not eligible for rewriting or resubmission. Once submitted and graded, adjustments cannot be made.

* You want to be sure to answer these questions in the summary: (is the study directly relevant to my topic? Who did the research? Where (which university, hospital, organization etc)? How many participants (human or animals)? What did they do to come up with their results/finding (research design)? What were the results and how are they relevant?

* Grading rubric can be found on the assignment page in Canvas.

* Each summary is worth 75 points, 150 total points, 15% of your grade.

Topic Choices: (your choice needs to be discussed in terms of their relationship to Abnormal Psychology)

Anxiety Disorders, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, or Related 


Grading Rubric - If the submission meets all criteria, a 75 should be earned. This is a list of deductions: (A student cannot earn less than a 0)

If topic choice from the list above is not stated at the top of the submission, by itself -40

If type of research for the chosen study not identified at the top, below the topic from my list (e.g., EXPERIMENTAL, DESCRIPTIVE (OBSERVATIONAL or LABORATORY), CORRELATIONS, CROSS-SECTIONAL, LONGITUDINAL, OR META_ANALYSIS) -30

If link is not submitted or is submitted but either does not work or does not go directly to the article. -40

If article does not include new research or studies on the topic chosen from the list above. -40

If article has research, but student neglects to discuss it. -30

If Article does not clearly connect to the chosen topic (Good rule of thumb - if article does not address your topic as a central concept, it's not an appropriate article). -40

If study summarized does not use the Experimental Method, Descriptive Research method, is not a meta-analysis, correlation, a cross-sectional or longitudinal study, etc, or is just general information about the topic that can probably be found in a course textbook. -40

Mechanics penalties (spelling, punctuation, grammar) -2/ea

Word count penalties (if over 200 or under 150) -20

Turnitin score (%) 0-19%  -0

20-29% -15

30-39% -30

40-49% -45

50-69% -60

70% & UP -8

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Social Anxiety Disorder
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Code: Course Name
Professor’s Name
April 6, 2022
Social Anxiety Disorder
Research type: Experiment
This was an experimental study carried out by Bi et al. at Harbin Medical University under the Department of Affiliated Hospital to investigate the difference in the mechanisms of face processing in SAD patients before and after receiving treatment and that of healthy individuals when looking at inverted and upright emotional expressions. The experimental group in this study consisted of 12 individuals and a healthy control group with 12 individuals aged between 18 and 25 year...
Updated on
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