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Op-Ed on Democratic Socialism

Essay Instructions:

Written assignment #3 (10% of your final mark)

An op-ed (originally short for “opposite the editorial page”) is a written prose piece which presents a specific opinion as opposed to a balanced perspective.

Your task in assignment #3 is to your write your own commentary on the question you have researched in assignments 1 and 2. Present and support your one-sided position with ideas and facts learned while researching your previous assignments and in other lectures and readings during the semester. In the old days of printed newspapers citations and references were not expected in an op-ed. Nowadays, editors typically ask for hyperlinks. Please use them to provide links to the original documents your are quoting or using numbers from. Limit your use of hyperlink to one word or number. For instance, use the link for an author’s name rather than a full quote.

Your op-ed should be between 650-750 words, excluding your name, course number and student number. This assignment does not require a cover page, but it requires you to write the word count of your piece at the end of your assignments (e.g., word count: 673 words.)

Keep in mind that your audience is the general reading public, meaning people who are likely not familiar with your topic and who may not have had a post-secondary education. You must therefore draw their interest by using a catchy title and, ideally, a “hook” at the beginning of your story (e.g., “poachers have killed government officials in a nature preserve”; “ruins of a gigantic city have been discovered in the Amazon”). Explain your position using simple language, do your best to persuade and do not simply make assertions (e.g., “every expert agrees with me”).

Keep in mind that your word count is low and that you might have to use only your BEST arguments, not all the arguments that support your position.

• Focus on one main idea or a single theme in your op-ed.

• Have a clear editorial viewpoint. State that point in your first paragraph, and then proceed to back up your opinion or prove your thesis.

• Look for opportunities to wed your specific area of expertise or interest with news developments.

• If you can, be controversial in your opinion.

• Always write for the lay reader. Be clear and straightforward. Use simple words, short declarative sentences. Even the brainiest of readers will lose interest if your submission is replete with long, complex sentences and paragraphs.

• Make your submission as argumentative as possible. It should not appear driven by anger and it should follow methodological reasoning.

• Express a strong call to action. Write with passion and “fire in your gut.”

• Take pains to educate the reader with your insight, but don’t condescend or preach.

What is the point of these assignments?

• To acquire more in-depth learning about a topic discussed in this course and its relevance to broader policy discussions

• To develop your writing skills

• To learn to think critically

• To learn the basics of scholarly and policy work

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Social Democracy
Student’s Full Name
Department, Institutional Affiliation:
Course Name and Number
Professor’s Name
Due date of paper
Democratic Socialism
Democratic socialism is the best form of political ideology that will guarantee economic freedom for the citizens of the United States. The concept of democratic socialism gained momentum in 2015. The Democratic presidential contender Bernie Sanders defines his vision for democratic socialism in the United States introduced the notion as part of his plan to free the people from the unequal distribution of wealth created by capitalism /first-person/2018/8/1/17637028/bernie-sanders-alexandria-ocasio-cortez-cynthia-nixon-democratic-socialism-jacobin-dsa . Since then, democratic socialism has become a favorite form of governance for many workers who have suffered from the unequal distribution of wealth in society. Democratic socialism will economically liberate the citizens as it ensures access to healthcare for all, decent wages for every worker, education, and housing for all financed by the taxpayers.
Democratic socialist government guarantees access to health for all in the society. The government pays for all medical expenses. The right to health is a fundamental right that individuals are provided for in a socialist democracy. Thus private insurance is replaced by the government as the only insurer funded by the taxpayers. As such, people are relieved from unnecessary stress caused by private insurers characterized by high deductibles. Additionally, the government funds the healthcare staff, facilities, and all aspects of healthcare to ensure that citizens access the essential services.
Democratic socialism protects workers' rights and ensures that they earn a decent wage. Workers are free to be unionized, allowing them to negotiate for better terms that advance their interests. Unions encourage and empower employees to agitate for their rights in the workplace. According to /first-person/2018/8/1/17637028/bernie-sanders-alexandria-ocasio-cortez-cynthia-nixon-democratic-socialism-jacobin-dsa the employers will respect the rights of the working class, and decisions will be made concerning their demands as they will have greater democratic control on the job. Additionally, workers’ rights concerning better working conditions, safety, and benefits will be conceded due to their power...
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