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Economic, Sociocultural, & Nutritional Dimensions of Chinese Noodles

Essay Instructions:

Objective: To think about food in a holistic and biocultural context while practicing your academic and creative writing skills.

Assignment: Choose a food dish that you know well. This could be a dish you enjoy making yourself, a complex traditional meal for which your grandmother holds a secret recipe, or your favourite fast food, or anything else! You will choose three angles from which to explore the dish as a way of examining the economic, political, sociocultural, and/or nutritional dimensions of the food ingredients and the dish as a whole. If you are wondering if the dish you want to explore is appropriate, please check with Dr. Mant or your Teaching Assistants. You may write about the same dish from your Class Cookbook assignment, but you do not have to.

More detail attached on file, also I prefer to choose a Chinese dishes.

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Chinese Noodles
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Chinese Noodles
Noodles are among the most commonly taken dishes in the world. The dish is a staple food in Chinese cuisines. Preparations and ingredients of this dish vary with the regional variation. In some regions, the dish is made of rice, while it is made of mung bean flour or rice in others. The most often used ingredient is wheat flour. The flour is made into a dough, and then the dough is stretched into sizeable strings and strips. Most Chinese cuisines use noodles as a fundamental ingredient, but they can be a dish. The preparation method varies from just boiling in water to using cooking oil in its preparation. I love this dish since it is always easier to prepare, and it takes a relatively small amount of time to be ready. It can be taken alongside many other dishes, and I have many memories that always erupt when I take this dish.
Incorporation of Staple Crop
When following the recipe for preparing Chinese noodles, the regional location of a person is very instrumental in deciding the type of ingredient to use. Now that it is known that noodles are made using different staple crops that is, wheat and rice, a person living in a place where wheat is mostly planted will prefer using wheat flour. The same thing will happen if a person lives in a place known for cultivating rice as the staple crop. The most preferred ingredient for Chinese noodles is wheat flour. The rationale for selecting wheat as the main ingredient for the noodles includes; the cultural and historical background of the crop both in the Chinese and the world’s culture at large.
Noodles are eaten mainly in china and many east Asian countries. The countries include Thailand, Japan, Indonesia, Vietnam, North and South Korea, and Mongolia. The varied food preparation methods have influenced the noodle culture in these East Asian countries. Despite its wide use in China, noodles, and wheat, its major ingredient did not originate from China. The ingredient traced its origin from the Mesopotamian plains almost ten thousand years ago. Wheat planting and cultivation only spread from that part of the world to the other parts of the world after ages of cultivation. During a trade period between the Arabs and the Central Asians, western Asians, and the Mediterranean countries, Arabs often carried prepared dough. The dough carried by these Arab traders was dried, and they would subdivide it into pieces and ensure that they made strips out of the small parts. Afterward, the rolled strips would be roasted or dried by the fire and eaten as noodles. The Silk Road that was the route of passage got the name Noodle Road because of the people traveling in it eating the noodles. The preparation procedures undertaken by the merchants formed the first-ever recipe for preparing noodles, and the recipe has since then extended to become more complex and different as time goes by.
Wheat is a staple crop for the Chinese people and most people in the world. The idea that wheat is available in most parts of the world means that it is most common to find noodles anywhere. The availability of noodles can be attributed to the growth of the staple crop from Asia to other parts of the world. It is now common to see wheat planted in most parts of the world, and its products are used to make many and many delicious dishes. An interesting fact about wheat is that wheat was used for roofing in the olden times. This was the bronze age when wheat was introduced in china (Lon et al. 2018). moreover, wheat reached Europe and through to America from Asia through the Columbian exchange.
Food Preference
China is a culturally rich country, and many of its doings incorporate the element of food in their culture (Badanta et al., 2021). The Chinese culture highly regards its cuisines, and noodles are not left-back. Among the many reasons why noodles have significance in the cultural aspect of the Chinese people is the linkage of the dish to background stories. Noodles represent many Chinese traditional values and their culture, as evident in the many occasions that the dish is prepared and served. Apart from being a staple food in the country, the dish has the additional significance of serving as a representative of the Chinese culture. A person can identify a Chinese by seeing them eating th...
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