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Does Social Media Positively Impact Communication? Media Essay

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Does Social Media Positively Impact Communication?
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Does Social Media Positively Impact Communication?
Social networking and social media tend to play a significant role in people’s lives across the globe. However, there are debates as to if these new technologies and platforms do cripple or improve communication abilities. Critics of social media argue that sitting behind a computer and other devices communicating with online friends can be fun and comfortable, but can largely weaken an individual’s verbal communication skills. However, social media and social networking have revolutionized and enhanced communication by making it easier and cheaper compared to the traditional forms of communication. The paper explores both the negative and positive impacts of social media on communication and supports that social media positively impact the communication process through its various online platforms, making it essential in the current world.
Communication refers to the action or a process that leads to the exchange of information, feelings, and views between people (Hargie, 2016). It involves the transfer of data from an individual or group to others. Communication is an essential part of every individual’s life. All communication sectors are important in that they all represent a system, which operates within a more comprehensive system of destination management as well as contributing to its overall effectiveness. Nonetheless, each part of communication has different elements, and the knowledge of the features will eventually assist in the establishment of an active communication pattern (Hargie, 2016). There is no argument that information technology has had a key influence on the globe and the way individuals communicate.
Accessibility that a person has to the Internet through computers, smartphones, tablets as well other mobile gadgets has made the sharing of information and connecting with friends and relatives a click-away in most cases. Individual are communicating daily through e-mail, social media, and texts. Concerning that it has had a profound modern explosion in usage and popularity, social media and social networking have become the new standard when one considers communicating everything in life (Zhang & Leung, 2015). It has had some of the most considerable effects on the way people interacted in the past decade.
The Internet has a profound influence on individuals today than ever before. It has been a frequent source of entertainment, news as well as education across the world for approximately 20 years. Nonetheless, among the most ground-breaking Internet technologies, social media achieved its mainstream fame about ten years ago. Twitter, Facebook, and similar services have become the most visited destinations on the Internet. Such websites permit users to easily share links, ideas, the picture as well as messages with others; hypothetically enabling communication and social interaction. The services, via a combination of simplicity, accessibility, and intuitive strategy promote positive social behavior through enhancing interaction among relatives, friends, and co-workers. Therefore, social media facilitates communication between people and fosters a deep sense of community. Social media is improving daily, and communication abilities are exemplified through the utilization of social media (Zhang & Leung, 2015). It is a communication outlet that people use to interact and pass information to others. Social media is being used by businesses, students, religious organizations, and parents.
Moreover, it is used in various forms by diverse platforms for many reasons, the main one being the passing of information between people. Transmission device or gadget is anything, which carries a message including light waves, sound waves, mobile phone signals, pieces of paper, radio, billboards, television signal among others. Social media is using various transmission devices that include computers and mobile phones.
It is interesting to note the role the social media plays in communication and since many people utilize some for daily and the trend is growing. People post their thoughts and ideas on platforms such as Facebook, and this is one of the trending forms of communication which are swift and enable a person to pass information to numerous numbers of people at the press of a button. Celebrities regard the social media sites as one of their first choices, and they use platforms such as Twitter to post information and ideas they want to share with their fans. Moreover, at the bottom of most commercial or adverts, there is a Twitter/Facebook link. Therefore, social media sites have proved to be essentials in today’s communication.
Social networks have always encouraged the subscribers to set up their online persona. Afterward, they build a personal system with relatives and friends, which connects to an open international community (Luo & Zhong, 2015). Data is now shared freely between people. Such parties can interact and communicate either publicly or via personal platforms on social media sites such as chats and hangouts. Aside from connecting to friends, social media use can join different community groups to deal with given specific issues. For example, the users discuss various problems concerned with their interests. Frequently, events are created where physical meetings are planned. Most of such groups encourage the social media users to offer suggestions on the way they ought to be run and participate in debates.
Social media has decreased the utilization of verbal communication and improved the use of online messaging and chats, which are quick, cheap, and efficient. Nowadays, individuals can engage in phone conversations over their devices such as computers (Luo & Zhong, 2015). Such has been made able through the development of social media sites including Skype. Here, individuals that are communicated will interact by word of mouth and also see each other. Nonetheless, it is unlike Twitter and Facebook where communication is through writing. Most of the sites have incorporated web cameras for the users to have a face-to-face communication experience with the people that are miles away. Webcams enable relatives and friends to engage in one on one conversation whereas at the same time seeing each other. Such communication is more private and very efficient as users get to see each other. Therefore, there has been an improvement in popularity in webcam chats. Twitter, Facebook, and Skype have become famous social media sites that millions of people use daily. It is challenging to find any person in t...
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