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Backward Design Plan and the Importance of Teaching Listening Skills

Essay Instructions:

In today's class, we'll be looking at course design. Having considered curriculum development and design as the framework informing teaching and learning, in today's' class will consider different models of course design. The key reading for today's class is: Chapter 2 from Assessment in the Language Classroom (Cheng & Fox, 2017, pp. 30-62).

Link to The Ontario curriculum, grades 9-12; English as a Second Language and English Literacy Development (Take a look at the curriculum, page 84 is featured in the Cheng & Fox Chapter assigned for today's class).


Reflection 4: After reading the assigned readings for today, and using the information provided in Chapter 2, reflect on and describe your 'backward design plan' for a classroom activity (duration 1 hour) that would provide experience to your students in order to support their ability to achieve one of the learning outcomes spelled out on p. 84. Identify contextual variables (age of students, number, etc); the learning outcome; the assessment; and the classroom activity. then, reflect on this process of course/lesson design in relation to a curriculum. See below (after the following resources) where you can upload your reflection 4 in advance of our class today.

Here are some additional Links to videos of interest regarding backward design




2. Wiggins and McTigue templates


3. Constructive alignment explained by Maristella at EDC Roundtable(link to video)


Note I put a comment on the reading and I am not sure about it I will contact my teacher and send to you message.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Backward Design Plan
Student’s Name
Backward Design Plan
Chapter 2 What Do We Assess in the book Assessment in the Language Classroom emphasizes on important of assessment and described how it is useful in achieving the desired outcomes. The chapter focusses on how to align assessment in and classroom activities with learning goals and outcomes. One way in which to do so is though the backward design plan which is a design process based on the outcomes (Wiggins & McTighe, 2012). The planning process begins by identifying the learning goals for students in a specific class. The knowledge, skills, and dispositions they are expected to learn at the end of a class. The next step is determining the evidence needed to demonstrate the achievement of outcomes. Here an assessing tool is selected that will give evidence needed for the student to demonstrate their mastery or competence in the outcomes areas. The next step in planning is designing the activities that will help the students succeed in these learning outcomes. The final part is a reflection of the approach used, evaluating its effectiveness (Wiggins & McTighe, 2012).
The following is an example of a backward design plan for an English lesson in 9th Grade.
STEP 1: Identifying the required outcomes
The lesson is aimed at developing listening comprehension, particularly listening for specific information. Students will demonstrate their comprehension by listening to a news article in class on football and World Cup and rewriting it in their own words (Earl, 2012).
STEP 2: Determining the assessment tool
In assessing their understanding, the teacher will ask them to share their opinion whether they agree or disagree with the speaker, to identify the difficulties they experience in the first listening, which part they would like to listen to again and write at least one question/doubt the students have. The teacher will assess the student’s comprehension skills based on the way they rewrite the article at the end of the activity.
STEP 3: Planning learning experiences and instructions
The lead-in: the teacher will ask the students to write down the words they associate with football and World Cup. The teacher will then play for the class a recording of a news article about the World Cup for th...
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