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Arguments on the Issues of Famine and Poverty

Essay Instructions:

For the weekly journal assignment, write 200-400 words (about one double-spaced page) on one of the following prompts. The journal assignments are meant to guide your reading comprehension, inspire reflection, create a personal connection, and encourage you to have new philosophical experiences. The journals might even be - yes it’s possible - fun to write.

There are 13 journal assignments during the quarter, due at midnight on Mondays (except the two weeks when papers are due and on holidays). You must submit your journal through iLearn each week. I will not accept them through email without a conversation. Each one is worth three points, and together they make up 40% of your grade. Your lowest 2 scores will be dropped, so you can skip two journals with no negative effect.

There are four prompts to choose from. Throughout the semester, you must write on each prompt at least twice, although you can decide which prompt to use for each particular week.

Prompt 1: Evaluate the Argument

From the main reading, select an argument that you found provocative or insightful. Reconstruct the argument as clearly as you can in your own words. You may use numbered premises, or you can simply summarize the premises and conclusion in a short paragraph. In one or two sentences, state what you think is interesting about this argument. Then, give an objection to the argument. Finally, assess this objection. Can it be overcome or does it reveal a serious problem with the argument?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Famine, Affluence and Modality
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Famine, Affluence and Modality
The argument that is most insightful is on famine and poverty. It is true that in many people especially in African countries die due to lack of shelter, food and medical care. This is not a new concept also to the European countries (Leon, 2017). In November of 1971 in East Bengal people died due to lack of the same essentials. Poverty has a way of becoming vicious and leaving people destitute, and as a result, the entire country is significantly affected. However, the more prosperous nations are capable of offering assistance to the minority of people affected by this predicament.
The elimination and eradication of poverty is a communal obligation. Both the government and individuals have the mandate to ensure that they put all the measures required into plac...
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