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90 day trining plan. Steps/stages for the training

Essay Instructions:

THESE were the instructions:

Your organization has never had any formal or informal training for new supervisors; when someone is promoted, they are immediately placed in the leadership position. This has recently become more important as your City Manager realizes over 75% of the supervisory staff will be eligible to retire within the next five years. Your task is to put together a "90 day" game plan for training potential new supervisors - this will then be used as a guideline for the department's succession planning efforts.

Your recommendations should include:

1.Steps/stages for the training (i.e. what do you want to happen in the first 30 days, 60 days, 90 days)

2.What type of information/classes would be presented? (Policies, SOP's, soft skills, etc.)

3.How would the training be delivered? (Classroom, online, video, OJT, etc.)

4.At the end of the 90 days, how would you know if the training was successful? (how to evaluate)

5.Research and cite at least one academic article that supports your recommendations.

Use a Microsoft Word document and write a paper (300 words) for your response and submit using the "upload" feature below. Apply double spacing, 12 point Times New Roman font.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

90-Day Training Plan
Students Name
Institutional Affiliation
The first month of the training will be spent on highlight all the requirements of the supervisor position. The second month will involve an in-depth training about the same requirements. During the last month of the training program, the trainees will be placed on a trial mission to evaluate whether they have learned what was required of them. However, they will be assisted by the acting supervisors to ensure that they perfect on the supervision skills.
Given the fact that the organization has had a particular trend of promoting supervisors without training, then the main information included in the training program will be the standard operating procedures (Miller, 2017). As well, management skills will also be taught in addition to the companies policies. This will ensure that future supervisors maintain the culture of s...
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