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Special Olympics Speech Summary

Essay Instructions:

The Special Olympics Speech is presented in the Monroe's Motivated Sequence format. Please watch the video and complete the assignment described below. Your response to this assignment should be in the form of an essay. You should save it in a Word document and post it as an attachment to this link,

Guidelines for Preparing Week 9 Writing Assignment: Monroe’s Motivated Sequence

You will write a one-two page reflective summary (no less than 300 words) that includes the following:

How does the speaker deal with the issues of (a) attention, (b) need, (c) satisfaction, (d) visualization, and (e) action in her speech?

How does she use connectives to transition through her speech

What supportive materials does she use to strengthen her speech?

What methods does she use to introduce and conclude her speech and why are they effective?

Remember to begin your reflections with an introduction and to wrap them up with a concluding statement.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

A Special Olympics Speech
Reflective Summary of the Speech
Delivery of speech should consider several aspects to ensure that the speech is delivered well and effectively. One of the aspects is that the person giving the speech needs to grasp the attention of the listeners to ensure he or she delivers the message efficiently and articulately. The other consideration of speech is ensuring that the speech satisfies needs of the listeners through the outlined subject of discussion. Actions in speech also help to affirm delivery of the speech to listeners. The essay reflects on the Olympic speech by evaluating the speech in terns of attention, need, satisfaction, visualization and Action in speech.
Catching the attention of the listeners is a fundamental consideration in speech delivery. In the Special Olympic speech, the speech given by the lady caught the attention of the listeners as she smiled and she was eloquent in the delivery of her speech. She expressed the desire that the participants had on the starting line, the n she highlighted the story of one participant that really caught the attention of the listeners. The speech was emotive as she expressed one young little boy who was crying after falling and the participants showed care to the young boy. The lady giving the speech used emotions to catch the attention of the listeners as seen through the speech that she gave quite passionately.
Need& Satisfaction
The speech met the need to the listeners as it was concurrent to...
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