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Research and Communication in Healthcare

Essay Instructions:

1. Explain the different types of research methodologies used in the health sciences. How would you apply one of these research methods in your workplace?

2. While all allied health care professionals possess specialized knowledge of fields, applying that knowledge in the clinical setting requires each practitioner to view his or her role as a vital component of the greater whole, if cost-effective quality care is to be rendered.

After familiarizing yourself with content of the different views in the "Allied Health Community" media, select "Patient Process," by selecting "Scenarios" and selecting "Patient Process," located under the "Views" drop down window (Make sure that "Patient Process" is on the "ON" mode). This component of the media illustrates those allied health professions that have direct interactions with the patient. Based on this media component, discuss the following:

1. Why it is important for the practitioner of the health care profession to have a basic understanding of the collaborative team's scope of practice and role in order to deliver cost-effective quality care?

2. What communication skills would the practitioner need to learn in order to effectively communicate research with the collaborative team in order to achieve the desired outcomes?

When discussing communication skills with the collaborative team, consider one of the following situations:

1. Communicating with people of different cultures, race, or gender.

2. Communicating to achieve conflict resolution.

3. Communicating to create team building.

How would you adapt your communication style in order to become more effective in achieving your desired outcome?

Explore the three views, Scenarios, Profiles, and Timelines, in the "Allied Health Community" media. You will use this media in answering Topic 1 DQ 2.

please use 2-4 references for question #1

and 1-2 references for #2

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Research and Communication in Healthcare First Name, Last Name Institutional Affiliation Date Research and Communication in Healthcare According to Zelizer, McGoldrick, and Firestone (2019, p.14), a systematic investigation of a phenomenon (research) necessitates using the “correct methods based on methodology, research question, and design.” Although some studies in health science do not explicitly state their research methodology, providing the research method, design and questions are expected to give the reader (user) an understanding of the researcher’s paradigm and associated research methodology (Zelizer, McGoldrick & Firestone, 2019, p.14). This paper explores the three research methodologies used in health science and effective communication within a healthcare setting. Research Methodologies and their Application Quantitative This methodology involves using deductive reasoning to collect and analyze numerical data to compare, prove, explain, describe, test or predict a phenomenon in healthcare. This methodology is linked to the positivism and post-positivism paradigms (Zelizer, McGoldrick & Firestone, 2019, p.12). This methodology can be used to determine the level of patient satisfaction, the prevalence of a disease, survival longevity, the accuracy of a tool and procedure among others (Howlett, 2013, p.44). Qualitative Unlike quantitative, this research methodology involves utilizing inductive reasoning to gain an understanding of a specific phenomenon of interest. The researcher has control over how data is collected, analyzed and interpreted. The data in this methodology is comprehensive verbal, narrative or visual. This methodology is closely associated with constructivism paradigm (Zelizer, McGoldrick & Firestone, 2019, p.12). This methodology is applicable in various ways in healthcare, the most noticeable one being research associated with the impact of a treatment or an illness. This method is also useful in examining the behavior of the patient and the provider, patient education, and sales & marketing (Howlett, 2013, p.35). Mixed Methods This methodology is a combination of the methodologies mentioned above. How the two are combined and used is dependent on the study purpose and research questions. The order of combination may differ by research (quantitative/qualitative or qualitative/quant...
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