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Research Topic in Healthcare: Childhood Obesity

Essay Instructions:

In this assignment, you will be identifying potential topics for a research paper. In Topic 2, you will select your final topic, which will inform subsequent assignments within this course.

Select three topics of interest from your work area, or within a health care field. Examples of appropriate topics may be found in your text, Understanding Research, and from the list below:

Leaving a confused patient alone in the waiting room

Failure to label specimens

Leaving medication unsecured

Childhood obesity

Using technology and protecting patient information and confidentiality

Managing the health care needs of an aging population

Complete a search utilizing the GCU Library for an article on each of your topics. After you have selected your articles, prepare a 150-250-word paper that introduces your selected topics. For each topic, address the following:

Introduction of the topic.

State why you selected the topic.

Summarize the content of the articles.

Conclude with an explanation of the significance of the topics to your organization or to health care.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Research Topic in Healthcare Name Institution’s Affiliation’s Introduction Healthcare sector is a diverse field that keeps on advancing with the time. Therefore, researchers also work to ensure that new findings are also put in place to deal with the contemporary issues that arise in the field daily. The results are essential because they identify the new ideas that are necessary for the practice. This paper describes three selected research articles in healthcare. The selected article cover childhood obesity, managing the healthcare needs of an ageing population, and using technology and protecting patient information and confidentiality. Childhood Obesity The article selected for childhood obesity is childhood obesity: Is it is being taken seriously written by Honor Whiteman. The findings according to Whiteman indicate that the rate of obesity among children has doubled that of adolescent and quadrupled that of adults. Whiteman provides data that show that obesity among children between the ages of 6-11 years has increased from 7% in 1980 to 18% in the year 2012. Childhood obesity can extend to adolescent and adulthood (Whiteman, 2014). The condition increases the risk of getting diabetes and cancer. Therefore, public health has a lead campaign against childhood obesity as an intervention to limit the occurrences of obesity. Managing the healthcare needs of an ageing population The article selected for on managing the healthcare needs of an ag...
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