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The Wars- A 1977 Novel By Timothy Findley

Essay Instructions:

I need a critical analytical essay on the topic: Discuss the representation of violence in The Wars.

Book: The Wars by Timothy Findley.

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The Wars Author Name Institution Affiliation The Wars is a 1977 novel by Timothy Findley. Its story is about a 19-year-old Canadian boy, Robert Ross, who enlists in World War I right after the death of his sister. Robert aims to escape his restlessness and grief, as well as the social norms of the oppressive Victorian. There are many conflicts that make it clear that The Wars represent violence in all of its forms. For example, it is observable from the time when Robert spends time in the army and has personal conflicts with people around him. In one way or the other, he creates a mess for every human being and animal he is surrounded by. As the story proceeds, the representation of violence becomes even more evident. The first thing to mention here is the destruction or loss of innocence, and this happens when Rowena dies in a tragic accident because of Robert’s negligence. When he shoots the horse abroad the ship, it is visited again and again. It looks like he has been forced to commit this crime. At this point, Timothy Findley mentions that there should be set age of males on board going to war. Robert Ross is not the only character of this novel whose innocence has been lost. Juliet is raised in an environment where she sees Barbara and Robert Ross having sex again and again. This incident changes her life, and instead of staying innocent, she gets to know some bitter realities of life. Rodwell is yet another character who is forced to take his life. He watches his fellow soldiers killing a cat with an aim to taunt him. The destruction and violence seem to be present at every stage and every paragraph of this novel. There are also examples of how human beings destruct the ecosystem and animals. It’s safe to say that violence takes on the role of chaos and order in The Wars. The chaos of the battle is fairly obvious. Army officers or soldiers lose their lives in a large number and nations and towns are destructed during the battle. Initially, Robert Ross tries his best to suppress his aggressive nature, negativity or violent feelings. He carries a pistol in his pocket all the time in order to remind himself that he is protected and safe. Once he uses his gun to restore order during a gas attack, with his men getting panic. It should be noticed that the main character of The Wars is himself a violent person. In one way or the other, he causes problems for his companions and strangers around him. In this novel, the element of fire is either a terrible oppressor or a tool. Robert Ross is found using this violence in defiance of the chaos...
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