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Reflection 25

Essay Instructions:
1. Provide a brief summary of the reading(s) -What was the main subject of the reading? -What is the historical context of the reading? (When was it written? What was happening, in the lives of -Black folks during this time? *generally speaking) 2. Identification of problem or issue: -What problem is the author identifying? Whom does the problem relate to? -For whom is this topic important and why? -What relevant evidence or examples does the author give to support their justification? 3. Personal thoughts on the reading. -What did you like/appreciate about the readings? -What would you have liked to have more of/less of in the reading? -Was there anything that you need/want clarification on, in regards to what you read? 4. Making connections to the course learning/materials. -How is what you read reading different from what you already know? Why might this difference exist? -What new ideas are here for you to consider? -How does this reading connect to the course and/or provide a better understanding of the course topic? readings: - https://poets(dot)org/poem/if-we-must-die - https://www(dot)huffpost(dot)com/entry/police-brutality-michael-brown_n_5700970 - https://www(dot)vox(dot)com/2014/8/25/6061449/black-on-black-crime-ferguson-murder-rate
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Summary and Analysis of "OK, fine. Let us talk about 'black-on-black' violence." Student’s name Department: University Course: Course Code Instructor’s name Date Summary and Analysis of "OK, fine. Let us talk about 'black-on-black' violence." In the article by Lauren Williams titled, "OK, fine. Let us talk about 'black-on-black violence," the author covers one of the most necessary and misrepresented problems of American society. One of the major topics of the reading is the distortion and misuse of the term ''black-on-black'' violence. However, it is necessary to mention that Williams also aims to reveal another side of the phenomenon in question – the systemic racism, which makes black communities suffer from the problem of violence disproportionately – and it is impossible to speak about it separately from historical and socio-economic conditions of the life of black Americans. Historical Context The article was published in August 2014 when massive protests and outrage were resulting from police brutality, especially the shooting of the black man, Michael Brown, in Ferguson, Missouri. The black Americans' lives were oppressive, economically vulnerable, and policed, and these features facilitated violence in their lives. Williams places her reasoning in this context, proving how such historical and sometimes ongoing injustices are sidelined by such audiences who prefer to shift focus to inter-black violence. Identification of the Problem Williams frames the issue as to why the talk about ‘black-on-black crime’ has morphed into a mechanism of sidetracking mainstream...
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