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Quantitative Research Review

Essay Instructions:

A Quantitative Researcher

When conducting quantitative research, a health education specialist must be able to identify if variables are independent and dependent and if statistical analysis is appropriate or not. In this assignment, you will select and analyze a peer-reviewed quantitative research article.

Create a 2 page paper (not including the title and references pages) in a Word document for your response. Use APA format for citations.

Create a title page and references page in APA format.

Follow the steps to complete the assignment.

Step 1. Choose and introduce a peer-reviewed quantitative study with multiple variables in the health and wellness field.

Step 2. In a table or other graphic organizer, identify the multiple variables, and categorize them as independent and dependent. What levels of measurement are used for each variable?

Step 3. Identify the statistical analysis used, and determine if it was appropriate in answering the research question(s).

Step 4. Develop a concluding paragraph for your table or other graphic organizer.

Please finish by 5/5

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Quantitative Research Review
Quantitative Research Review
This paper aims to discuss a peer-reviewed quantitative study with multiple variables in the health and wellness field and categorize the variables.
The Association between Fluoride Exposure during Pregnancy and Offspring’s IQ
The quantitative research discussed is pediatric-based research that sought to examine the relationship between fluoride exposure during pregnancy and intelligence quotient (IQ) scores in offspring (Green, R. et al., 2019). It was done in Canada in multicenter birth centers over eleven years. The researchers used different information from the maternal-infant records. The children involved in this research were born between 2008 and 2012, and data was analyzed between 2017 and 2019. The study was done in ten major cities in Canada. 40% of those involved in the study were living in communities supplied with fluoridated municipal water. The women involved in the research were recruited from different prenatal clinics. The inclusion criteria for these women included: eighteen years of age and above, pregnant within the first fourteen weeks of pregnancy, and could speak either English or French. The exclusion criteria included: those with known fetal abnormalities, those with preexisting medical conditions like hypertension and diabetes, and those using illicit drugs during pregnancy. Maternal urinary fluoride concentration was measured once in every trimester, and the mean from the three was sought. Water fluoride concentration was taken daily for those plants which added fluoride to municipal drinking water and weekly or monthly for those that did not add any fluoride. Daily fluoride intakes in mothers were also obtained from the first and third-trimester reporting questionnaires. A subset of children from six of the ten cities was evaluated at ages three to four. Different covariates were established in association with factors influencing fluoride metabolism.
Graphical Presentation of Variables



Maternal urinary fluoride ...
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