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Draft Poem Feedback Sample

Essay Instructions:

1.First, read each poem below a few times and write down notes in the margin using Comments and Track Changes in Microsoft Word, underline words you don’t understand, begin to formulate a sense of what the poem is trying to do.

As you read, put little check marks next to things that you think are working, and some kind of notation on those things that you think are not working in the poem.

Now, tell the author what you think the story and the situation of the poem are. This will help you to articulate your reading of the poem for the author. This is particularly useful if the meaning is opaque. Even if you are not sure of your reading, tell the author and provide your feedback.

Now, look closely at the poem for the following:

  • Is there a form? Do they follow it consistently? If not, why not?
  • Is there a rhyme scheme? Do they follow it consistently? If not, why not?
  • What kind of sound devices are being used? How do they enhance the poem?
  • Are the metaphors and similes original and fresh? Are there places where the poem might benefit from figurative language? If so, where?
  • How is the poet using line breaks? Where might they be more effective?
  • Does the poem turn? Where? How did your reading change after the poem? How did it enhance the story?
  • What is the poem’s title? Is it appropriate? Could it be more informative? Do you have suggestions?
  • Does the rhythm match the poem? How is it creating tension or harmony within the poem?

Finally, what suggestions might you offer the poet?

2.Create a brief end note for the author giving them suggestions to help strengthen the poem as well as mentioning some of the poem’s strengths.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
That Last Sunset
The color blue, the soft kiss
The feel of her touch, that’s what I miss
Her infectious laughter, the snort there after
That was the true feeling of bliss
Thy way she would smile and wipe my tears
And tuck me to bed and shoo away my fears
Faith makes you a believer, Cancer is such a deceiver
Up until the end, as the final sunset nears
Her blue eyes close, I give a soft kiss
The warmth of her touch, that’s what I will miss
Poem 1 revised
That Last Sunset
The color blue like eyes of sapphire, her rose colored lips I remember theremember the soft kiss
The feel of her touch warm and gentle, that’s what I miss
Her infectious laughter, then I wait, there is a snort there after
Her hugs were of soft sheets tucked in your bed, Thatthat was the true feeling of bliss
The way she would smile made even the bad days good, then she would wipe my tears
And tuck me to bed with a linger and a song to shoo away my fears
Faith makes you a believer, Cancer is such a deceiver.
Up until the end the sun was warm, but the room was cold, as the final sunset nears
Her blue eyes close, my blue eyes open as I giveI give a soft kiss
The warmth of her touch, the blue of her eyes.. that’s what I will miss
Poem 2 Original
The Ocean has called my name for years
I waltz among  theamong the waters' edge
Its beauty, its strength it calls to me, But I never call back
I was once entranced with the love of the waves and  Iand I yearned to dance 
With the waves and the never endingnever-ending view of water so blue
Until the one day, I waltzed too close 
The Ocean, no longer singing me a lullaby, it turned
Into a thief to take me away from my life on the sand
To it'sits depths too far below
At last a hand  hadhand had found me and pulled  mepulled me out of the sea
To waltz along the Oceans'  edge’ edge, never hearing it's lullaby again.
Poem 2 Revised
The ocean,
Has called my name for years,
I waltz among  theamong the waters' edge, its beauty, its strength it calls to me
But I never call back
I was once entranced
With the love of the waves 
And  IAnd I yearned to dance 
The waves,
The never endingnever-ending view of water so blue
Until the one day
 I waltzed too close 
The Ocean
no longer singing me a lullaby,
It turned
Into a thief 
To take me away from my life on the sand
At last a hand  hadhand had found me
And pulled  mepulled me
Out of the sea, 
To waltz along
The Oceans'  edge’ edge
Never hearing it's
Lullaby again.
Poem 3 Original
What was two became one,and then became two again
You took me from total bliss ,cloud nine and then to a miserable pain
You said I was your soul mate
After our second date
I should have seen the signs that were in front of me
I ignored them all, looking just at you, I could not see 
The words you say that they hurt and bite
And the fact you thought you were always right
The one thing I take away that you taught me well
Never to sett...
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