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Researcher Extraordinaire

Essay Instructions:

The Researcher Extraordinaire

The methods section of research articles explains what took place during the research project. Some are very detailed and elaborate, while some lack details and only provide the basics.

In this assignment, you will choose and analyze a peer-reviewed article on a health and wellness topic. Then you will reflect on the new learning you have acquired about research.

Create a 2 page paper (not including the title and references pages) in a Word document for your response. Use APA format for citations.

Create a title page and references page in APA format. Use the part titles as subheadings in your paper.

Follow the directions to complete Parts 1 and 2.

Part 1: Peer-Reviewed Article

Choose and introduce a peer-reviewed research article in the health and wellness field.

In a 1- to 2-page article, describe the methods sections, including whether procedures are clearly stated or has gaps.

Explain how the information in the methods section impacts the replication, validity, and reliability of the study.

Describe the results of the study, and determine if they adequately answer the research question and sub-questions.

Part 2: Reflection

In one or two paragraphs, reflect on the knowledge and skills you have acquired in this course and how you will apply the learning in your professional setting.

What have you learned about research that you didn’t know?

How will what you learned help you be a better health educator or practitioner?

How can you apply research to improve the health of those you serve?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Article Analysis Sample
Student’s Name
In an article titled “Oral health counseling in changing schoolchildren’s oral hygiene habits: a qualitative study” published in 2006, Kasila, Poskiparta, Kettunen, and Pietila try to find a connection between oral hygiene counseling and substantial changes in oral hygiene habits in children between the age of eleven and thirteen (Kasila et al., 2006). They utilized the transtheoretical model and motivational sessions, and interviews to educate school-going children on the importance of oral hygiene. Their primary motivation for the study was the increasing number of dental carry cases reported in children of that age, with the risk of tooth decay and erosive wear rising due to increased beverage sugar levels and acid levels. This, coupled with the regular consumption of fast foods and sweet treats in children, has led to increased dental diseases and poor hygiene. Lack of mitigation leads to increased tooth sensitivity, a ruined aesthetic, and loss of proper dental setup. Their study was set up to establish a relationship between proper counseling and improved oral hygiene practices.
The study included 31 (15 girls and 16 boys) children between the ages of 11 and 13 living in Finland. The data was collected in two separate sessions held in 2002 and 2003. The first session involved 66 counseling sessions, while the second one only had 31 sessions. The second session collected data on any improvements witnessed in brushing or flossing habits since the previous counseling session. Four dental hygiene experts were recruited to carry out the sessions and collect data for the study. The inclusion criteria for the study were children who had previously been diagnosed with at least one case of any form of dental lesions. There were some gaps in the methodology; one such gap was that the researchers never collected data regarding self ideologies on oral hygiene or the influence of family on developing and maintaining such habits (Kasila et al., 2006). The monitoring of progress made by the subjects was also never considered, with the researchers relying purely on word of mouth from children.
The study method was straightforward and well explained. Key components such as variables and inclusion/exclusion criteria were clearly explained and a logic provided. This means that the study's replicability is relatively high as the key components and study method are clearly outlined. The s...
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