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Psychological, Physical and Emotional Advantages of Losing Body Weight

Essay Instructions:

I have the following order for you guys dear.
Here is my order
The goal I have decided to pursue for this assignment is to loose five pounds of weight. I choose this goal because loosing weight is good for my heath. For example, If I loose weight i will have better sleep. Also it will help me to focus on study more. Also this will release some of stress I have. I started doing 15 minutes exercises such as jobbing a rope, walking, changing my diet. It is going so far so good. I am seeing some benefits since I started loosing weight with my strategy of loosing it. What this process is teaching me about myself is that I could reach any goals. If I follow the role that I made. I encourage to use the steps I used to weight in 30 days have a wonderful heath. I hope my goal to be and myself as loosing 5 pounds at the end of a month.
The result of my plan for 30 days challenge as follow:
I real disappointed because I couldn't reach my 30 days challenge plan which was loosing 5 pounds of weight and I only lost 4 pounds. I pushed myself as fast as I could to accaplish my goal, but it didn't work out because as you all know. I stared the class late. I strongly believe that if I was there on the first days of class. I would reach my goal. Thanks for expensive time to ready my 30 days challeng eplan and for giving me feedback.
I need this to me summarize in the form of easy formant. My essay should be address at least the following three topic:
1. The challenge I phase , I chosed and how it was significant to me.
2. This essay should be address the struggle I did to loose the weight the high and the low.
3. the results- the actual challenge, the other change that happened because of the challenge.
Cutts also says 30 days is just about the right amount of time to add any habit of subtracte a habit like watching a news from your life. Dis you find this to ve true

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Losing Weight
Institution of Affiliation
Losing Weight
Losing weight generally refers to the reduction of a person’s body mass within a period of time. There are many strategies that individuals use to ensure that they lose weight within the shortest time possible; these strategies often differ from one person to another. Some people prefer to change their diet to low-levels of fats while others involve themselves in physical exercises. The loss of body weight has psychological, physical and emotional advantages.
I chose the challenge of weight lose because it is really important to me and assigned it 30 days to ensure that I lose 5 pounds. My challenge is unique because it is meant to help me live better in life.
Firstly, losing weight to me means a whole new sleeping experience; it would give me a peaceful rest. We can never overemphasize the importance of losing weight in terms of health. The amount of processed products we eat each day is bound to have a negative effect on our bodies, which explains the rise of diseases throughout the world like cancer, high blood pressure and other heart related diseases.
Personally, losing weight will definitely have a positive impact on my studies. The mind, I believe is freed and relaxed to enable me carry out my studies without getting tired easily and dozing off during my studies in class or at home.
The other reason as to why I chose this challenge is to keep off my mind from stress. I have discovered that whenever I engage in some physical activity, I tend to avoid stress. My mind is kept off from things that could generally stress me or even sometimes depress me. In fact, my mood changed when I started; this I noticed from the positive comments I received from friends.
To lose 5 pounds within a period of 30 days might be beneficial but it is really challenging. I decided to strategize my personal challenge by using physical exercises and changing my diet. Concerning my diet, I specifically decided to eat low-fat foods which have low quantities of cholesterol. This I discovered should be accompanied by a mental preparedness because it involves a lot of commi...
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