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Two Carpe Diem Poems (Literature Writing Assignment Paper)

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Two Carpe Diem Poems (Assignment)
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Carpe Diem translates to “Seize the Day.” The theme was very common in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century English love poetry. Lover-poets frequently exhorted their mistresses to yield to love (and love-making – actually sex) while they still had their youth and beauty. Here are famous examples.
“To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time” (38)
Each stanza in the poem presents an argument to young women as to why they should submit to love. Summarize the argument from each stanza and quote a line or phrase from each that helps make the point and explain:
Stanza 1
The poet addresses the virgins urging them to pick their rose buds as time is of the essence. The virgins are youthful and innocent. “Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,” Rose buds in this cases is a metaphor since a flower is lovely to look at, but may wither quickly.
Stanza 2
The second stanza then highlights the need to consider time as time passes by quickly. “The sooner will his race be run, And nearer he’s to setting, “(lines 7-8). When read together with the first stanza it appears as though it is a race against time to act before the sun rises.
Stanza 3
In the third stanza, the poet further doubles down on the need to be conscious of time among virgins when blood is warm and they are transitioning to adulthood. “When youth and blood are warmer; But being spent, the worse, and worst, (line 10-11”
Stanza 4
The last stanza reemphasizes the message that the virgins are to be vigilant as the time passes quickly, and they should not wait as time waits for no person even as they remain modest and marry the men of their lives (Then be not coy, but use your time, And while ye may, go marry,” (line 13-14).
“The Passionate Shepherd to His Love” (41)
In each stanza of the poem, the speaker offers many things to his beloved to try to persuade her to accept his love. Summarize what the lover offers in each stanza and quote a line or phrase from each that offers details -- explain:
Stanza 1
The first stanza sets the tone in the poem, as the author urges his lover to follow him so that they can enjoy the pleasures of affectionate love together.” Come live with me and be my love, “(line 1).
Stanza 2
Just like the shepherds guard their flocks, the poet assures his lady love that they will be together in the country side settings sting upon rocks and listening to the melodious birds. “And we will sit upon the Rocks,” (line 5)
Stanza 3
In stanza three, the poet guarantees that he will make a bed of roses indicating that the experience will be pleasurable to both of them, he also offers a cap of flowers, kirtles and posies. “And I will make thee beds of Roses And a thousand fragrant posies,” (line 9-10)
Stanza 4
He further promises to get her a gown of the finest wool, and buckles made of gold if only she agrees to go with him. “A gown made of the finest wool which from our pretty Lambs we pull,” (line 13-14) and “Fair lined slippers for the cold, With buckles of the purest gold,” (linr15-16)
Stanza 5
The lover offers to get his love interst “a belt of straw”, “ivy buds”, coral clasps and “amber studs.” These are fanciful things for a shepherd, but show his commitment to his lover who will enjoy the pleasures when she lives with him.
Stanza 6
Besides promising gifts, , the poet then gives conditions to the lover who will be delighted once they live together and he no longer requests or says whether there is a reply to his many requests. “If these delights thy mind may move, Th...
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