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1-2 Journal Free Writing Exercise: The Good Fight Episode 1

Essay Instructions:

For this journal, free-write about one of the texts you read this week. In doing so, reflect on what you have learned about active and critical reading, the
relationship between literature and culture and identity, and your own experience with literature.
There are no right or wrong answers, but you should use
these questions as a guide in writing your journal entry:
Did this reading remind you of something else you have read or watched (such as a movie or TV show), or something that you have experienced in life? If
so, what from this reading reminded you of it? If this reading did not remind you of anything you have read or watched before, what made it different?
What do you think this reading is trying to convey? What, in your opinion, does the writer value or criticize?
Did this reading challenge or reaffirm your feelings or viewpoints about an issue?
Use specific examples from the text to help convey your ideas.
Guidelines for Submission: This journal entry should be 1–2 paragraphs in length.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Good Fight
(Student’s name)
Literature and Language
(Institutional affiliation)
The Good Fight Episode 1
I read the latest news about retirement in the USA and what people do after they retire because it is something they have been hoping for since they started working.
In the first episode of The Good Fight TV show, Diane Lockhart decides to retire as a lawyer, but soon finds out that she cannot get her retirement money because of an issue. Diane Lockhart tries to revoke her retirement, but she already signed the ‘exit agreement.’
For someone who is known as one of the best lawyers, this is devastating for her because everything she has ever worked is going to waste and it is not her fault that her retirement is gone. She does not have any children and will be forced to give up her apartment because she can no longer afford to sustain it. Although when she thought that everything is over, an all African-American law firm offers her a partnership that she could not refuse and she is back on the job.
I think that her experience teaches me about strength and courage because she is a white person and being part of this new firm is a new chapter for her. This only demonstrates that if I do good in life, everything will eventually fall into place. There may be obstacles and challenges, but circumstances will help me pull through.
There is a need to make adjustments to changes, just like how Diane Lockhart was able to adapt to the n...
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