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What Prompts The Development Of Such Policies?

Essay Instructions:

all requirments and resources are in here, please read every websites and write the essay. §  Integrity guidelines analysis (15% :: due 9/8/2017): Read the academic integrity policies (http://bit(dot)ly/2beu1pP) published by UB, and any two of the statements of professional ethics published by these organizations: PEN (https://pen(dot)org/pen-charter), the American Association of University Professors (http://bit(dot)ly/2sxoHXx), the Institute for Advertising Ethics (http://bit(dot)ly/2tFTmn2), the Motion Picture Association of America (http://bit(dot)ly/1savgIe), the CFA Institute (http://cfa(dot)is/1RDZJgv), the American Bar Association (http://bit(dot)ly/2raI3Bh), the National Society of Professional Engineers (http://bit(dot)ly/2q5yd2F), and the American Medical Association (http://bit(dot)ly/2urRtug). In a 1200-word paper, address the following mandatory questions (and add any optional reflections): What prompts the development of such policies? What purpose(s) are they designed to serve? What would be the test of their effectiveness? What commonalities are there between UB's policy and the guidelines formulated by these professional bodies? (4, 8)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Academic Integrity
Academic Integrity
Academic integrity is critical for the advancement of knowledge. Academic institutions must therefore institute rules and regulations that govern the student and professor’s code of ethics and conduct. The legal framework instituted is to ensure justice, fairness, professionalism, transparency and honesty between the students and the university professors. They are in no way meant to stifle the sharing of knowledge and research but rather to advance the goals of the learning institutions. In learning institutions, these policies must be instituted to carefully structured to ensure equity, transparency, honesty, professionalism and fairness for the advancement of knowledge and make every reasonable effort to foster honest academic conduct and to ensure that the evaluations of students reflect each student’s true merit.
What prompts the development of such policies?
One of the key reasons that prompt development of such policies is the constitutional provisions of each citizens. Their privacy, property and right to fair hearing and trial must be upheld by institutions to ensure the citizens are protected. They also lay out the procedures to be followed in case of a dispute between learners and their instructors. The process is founded in a wider legal framework that is consistent with the university rules and regulations and statutory requirements. They must also be consistent with international law where necessary to ensure equity and fairness in imparting knowledge to students. The possibility of few students who opt to take shortcuts to climb the academic ladder cannot be overlooked and they must be dealt with thoroughly for the public good and ensure other like-minded students are discouraged from attempting the same. Students caught in academic malpractice must be subjected to the full process of determining if their innocence or proven guilty. They can however, appeal the penalties and sanctions imposed on them to a level instituted by the university. If found guilty, the sanctions can range between a warning to expulsion from the schools. It is therefore imperative to observe the academic policies instituted by the school to ensure a smooth learning experience.
The professors are also bound by a professional code of ethics instituted by their professional body and enforced by the university. They must at all times maintain professionalism and transparency and transmitting knowledge to their students. Their code of conduct must be aligned to ensure advancement of knowledge and research by ensuring new students can build on the work of previous scholars and oversee intellectual honesty as knowledge trickles down through generations.
What purpose(s) are they designed to serve?
Policies are developed or designed to help maintain order and to ensure the rules in place are adhered to. Therefore, the purpose of designing the policies under review include:
* Articulate the values within which the various professionals should conduct themselves. In every profession, people are expected to conduct themselves in a way that communicates their respect towards what they do. The policies in place help to guide and elucidate on people’s conduct. For example, the NSPE code of ethics for Engineers helps to paint a clear picture of the standards and principles engineers have committed themselves. Therefore, every engineer is expected to adhere to these principles and to ensure they live and practice their work by the same.
* Provide assista...
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